Trevor sat adjacent to me, making his world famous pizza sandwich.

"You're going to choke one of these days," I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"This is literally the only way to eat a pizza, Angela. Why are you always trying to stifle my creativity?"

I just stared at him with a bored, straight-faced expression. "When have I ever stifled anything you've ever wanted to do?"

I watched as he made a big show of pulling out his phone. "How nice of you to ask, I have a list."

I laughed at him and adjusted myself on the sofa. "Go on," I moved my hand in a manner, begging him to continue on.

"Well, for one, you wouldn't let me paint my car with flames to give the illusion of going really fast, and just five minutes before the pizza got here you shunned my idea on taking Nikki's baby and training it to be the ultimate spy," He laid his sandwich on his lap and leaned back in the chair he sat in.

I'm really marrying a five-year-old. The lights above twinkled in his hazel eyes, making them shine even brighter than usual. He was truly a work of art.

Even with pizza sauce running down his chin.

I laughed softly leaning forward to wipe it with a napkin before speaking. "So you really thought I was pregnant, huh?"

"I did. I completely forgot that Nikki's first name is Amy. So when I saw A. Hart and I thought back to last night when you wanted to tell me a secret, my brain nearly exploded." He finishes his pizza and sits the box onto the porch beside of us.

"That's the secret I was going to tell you. That she was pregnant." I smile and lean back, stretching my legs to rest in his lap.

He grabs my feet and rubs his thumbs in circles on the soles of them lightly. After wearing heels all day, this is a very welcome act.

"So, I didn't even know she was dating anyone. Who's the sorry sucker that knocked her up?" He joked.

I playfully kicked at him before answering.
"She actually only slept with him once. We met him on my bachelorette trip. I guess she was super drunk and they didn't use protection." The pit in my stomach creeps up again as the thought of my own lack of protection crosses my mind.

"Wow. I know I give her a hard time and stuff but you know I love your sister and I hope that this works out for her. What does this guy think about it?" He moves from rubbing my feet to gently tracing his fingers over my legs.

"He doesn't know yet. I actually was going to tell you that I won't be home for dinner tomorrow," I pause briefly to look at him, "I'm going with her to meet him for dinner tomorrow when she tells him."

"Oh wow, shit. I can come with you guys. You know, emotional support and all that." He looks at me to respond but my heart has stopped.

"Um, I think we will be okay. I don't want him to think we're like ganging up on him or something." I stutter out an excuse and he just laughs.

"Thank god. I don't think I could handle that awkward confrontation. I was just trying to be nice for your sake. I mean, I'd love to see the look on this guys face when he realizes that he's stuck with Nikki for the rest of his life but my awkwardness is just too much." He grins at me and winks.

"You? Awkward? Yea, I'm sure that's it. It's totally not that you want to stay home and order pizza again and then play Xbox all night." I scoff and roll my eyes playfully.

Trevor stands from the chair he's sitting in, letting as I feet fall back to the ground as I talk, before walking over to the edge of the pool where our little pup lays sleepily.

For better, For worse | Louis Tomlinson |Where stories live. Discover now