Dad + Jennie

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I came home from school today with Jennie on my back. I guess I forgot that he would be back home. I see his faded yellow Jeep in the drive way, and know I'm going to be in trouble.
I unlock the front door and walk to the kitchen. Jennie's leg is almost done healing, I just don't want her to walk on it yet.
   My dad sees us walk in the door. He turns around, shocked that I have a small child on my back. "Um, hello Sabrina, did you have a child and have her grow a few years while I was gone?" He asks sarcastically, yet semi-nervous.
   "No, Axel. This is Jennie. She's a deer shifter. I found her out in the woods with a fractured leg, so I carried her here, gave her some clothes, and I took her to school today." I say, trying to guilt trip him into not punishing me.
   "Well, hello there then, Miss Jennie. How old are you?" He asks. They start having a conversation, and I leave Axel my trust as I head to the library for work.
   "Hey Leah, sorry I couldn't come in yesterday. I have to take care of this little girl for a while." I apologize. She just shakes her head, smiling. She goes back to her new book, Romeo and Juliet, which she has already read a few times before.
   I settle down in a chair behind the desk after putting away some books, and start my math homework. Today I skipped gym class, since I don't need that class anyways, and I doubt Jennie would've wanted to sit through that.
   So I walked us to Taco Bell instead, and I used part of my paycheck to get us some late lunch. My friends loved hanging out with Jennie today at lunch. She's such a sweetheart.

   Okay sorry for the boring chapter, guys. But I'm hoping to start a new story soon. I'll continue this story, there just might be some less frequent updates but I doubt it. Anyways, check out my new story in a few days! 356 words.

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