Vincent Van Gogh

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   My birthday approaches a lot more slowly than I would have hoped. I've been spending a lot more time with Andi, and I definitely hope she is my mate, or at least that she feels the same way.
   This week in art, we had to recreate our favourite famous painting, but do it in our own style. A lot of people chose The Scream by Edward Munch (the weird noseless bald screaming painting) or Starry Night and Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh.
   I, however, decided to be somewhat creative. I chose Starry Night over the Rhône by Vincent Van Gogh, because it is my personal favourite.
   Becca walked up to me while I was grabbing my paints. "Which painting did you chose, Sabrina?" She asks kindly.
   "Starry Night over the Rhône. It's one of my favourites. I really like Van Gogh's work." I tell her. I grab the last of my paints and brushes and head back to my easel.
   I begin to work, and I make the painting take place at sunset, unlike Van Gogh's twilight. I change the colours, and I make sure to keep the original painting of his. I add the people, the waves, and the buildings in the background. Before long, I'm done. Many people are just getting started, but I use acrylic paint, which dries much faster.
   Becca comes over to appreciate my work. "Keep this up and you could potentially get a scholarship to an art school." She says, sounding impressed. "In all my years of teaching, I have never had a student pick my favourite painting, until now." I'm happy that we have the same taste.

   Photo above is the original painting. 282 words.

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