Hiccup and Valka Managed to round up all the baby dragons after countless hours of trying to make them listen to them with many failed attempts but finally they had done it, they managed to make the babies listen to them and do as they say
Hiccup laughed and hugged his parents "we did it, we actually did it" he said in disbelief as he looked at all the others jump on to a baby and start to take off into the sky
"Come on Hiccup, it's payback time" Snotlout shouted, Hiccup smiled for a moment then his smile disappeared, they all looked at him as they knew what he was thinking "is this what Astrid would want me to do?" he said looking at Valka with watery eyes
Valka hugged him and stroked his hair "she would want you to even the playing field son" she said "aye, she was the bravest of us all Hiccup...but if she was to die in your arms protecting you...she would be happy anyway because you are still breathing to tell others if her legacy" Stoick said placing a hand on Hiccup's shoulder
Hiccup looked at them with a smile and nodded as he, Stoick and Valka all ran over to their baby dragons as took off into the sky and set coarse straight for Berk
On the land of Berk everything was peaceful, the air was still and calm as they slept
They all awoke as they felt the floor shake, it was deep, large and sounded like a dragon, everyone gathered in the main plaza to see what was going on
Then all faces started to smile when they heard a sound that was all too familiar "NIGHTFURY/IT'S THE CHIEF/HE NEVER LET'S US DOWN" was heard all around the village
Then everything was mistaken when a hut went down with a purple glow along with several other homes, everyone started to run and scream as they feared for their lives as they knew this wasn't their chief
Drago and his Bewilderbeast then came into view and looked at them all in disgust and disappointment "ATTENTION BERK!!!" he screamed and everyone frozen a they saw him on Toothless and the huge grey Bewilderbeast behind him
"YOUR CHIEF...IS DEAD!!!" he screamed with a deadly and evil smile "what?/not Hiccup/this can't be happening/who is this man" echoes throughout the plaza
"No one can help you now" Drago said and the huge grey dragon opened his mouth and covered the village in ice
A few miles out from Berk Hiccup and the others were just about to clear a huge cloud of fog "oh man I hate smokebreath's" Fighlegs gasped
"There was just one of them Fishlegs" Hiccup said "yeah and as I said I HATE the Smokebreath's" Fishlegs said as he wiped the sweat from his forehead
Berk eventually came into view and Hiccups heart broke when he saw it "NO!!!" he gasped
The entire village was covered in ice, Drago was with his Bewilderbeast and had the entire Hurd of NightFury's next to him
"Drago has gone too far now" Hiccup growled under his breath "Son there is one more secret you need to know, the babies can fire plasma blasts like a NightFury, but it can only do it once as a hatchling" she told him with a grin creeping on her face
"How do I do it" he said looking over at her "you put direct pressure to the back of their heads just here" she said pointing to a spot on the dragons neck
"Ok everyone here is what we are going to do, I'm going to get my dragon back, you guys start breaking the ice and saving the villagers" he yelled as he flew off towards Drago while the others went to help the village and its people

This Isn't How It Was Supposed to Be
FanfictionThis is a random thing that came across my head one day when I was watching HTTYD2 again :) I'm not going To say what happens but I hope it touches your heart and also makes you cry Contains Character Death Will be a very short story But will have a...