Omake #1: What if they did the 2v2 battles?

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"I AM HERE! COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON" All Might shouts, the door banging harshly as he slides through the door dramatically. 

Noriko lifts her head off the desk lethargically, she kind of just wanted to sleep a bit more. "But FIRST! you need hero costumes!" he yelled while clicking a button to open the shelves in the wall displaying their self-designed hero costumes. Her case was on the top level so Noriko tried to stand on a desk and then kind of reach over using the top of the shelf to stabilize herself so she didn't fall over. However, her arms were too short to reach that far over and she fell. bracing herself for the impact she was surprised to be promptly picked out of her impromptu free fall.
Noriko opened one eye to see an equally exhausted Shinsou above her. "When you need help, ask," he told her grabbing first his case and then hers.
"Thanks" she whispered, slightly ashamed of not having thought of that in the first place.

The changing rooms were chaotic, both groups were loud and could be heard through the surprisingly thin walls which lead to some of each group talking about nonsense incredibly loudly while the rest used the cover noise to talk about private things that either actually mattered or was simply Mina prancing around the room complimenting hero costumes, bodies, or boobs. Momo was on the verge of a breakdown at the chaos, little did she know Iida was having the exact same conundrum on the other side of the wall however the boys were more talking about girls specifically Kaminari and Mineta with Kirishima and Bakgou telling them to "Shut the fuck up" or "Start acting like a man".
Noriko squirmed a little at the weight of her knee-length dress but quickly reminded herself that Dabi and Toga designed it so she couldn't complain after they went to so much effort for her.

"BEING A HERO STARTS WITH LOOKING GOOD" All Might exclaims. The class swarms him with questions, caught off guard he tries to make a joke however it doesn't quite go well resulting in a few more questions being thrown his way.

Shinsou and Noriko are teamed up going second as villains against Todoroki and Momo. "Eh, us versus the top two, that's could be rough," Shinsou says pessimistically.
"Not really" Noriko counters, "Well, it would be if you didn't have me on your side" she tosses him a lazy but confident smirk before laying down on a bench to sleep through the first round which was Uraraka versus Iida.

"YOUNG NORIKO IT IS YOUR TURN FOR THE EXERCISE" All Might screeches while shaking the small girl's body roughly. She glares harshly before standing up and joining Shinsou as they head out toward their building to meet up with the pseudo bomb.

"I have a plan," she says looking up and shuffling around the bomb to make sure she is in the camera's blindspot, she wanted it to be a surprise.

"THE HEROES MAY NOW ENTER THE BUILDING" All Might instructs through his microphone.
"Why...are they leaving?" Kirishima asks pointing at the screen showing the back of the building where Noriko and Shinsou are exiting the building and walking down the street before eventually ending up at a cafe a couple of blocks away. Noriko even goes through the actions that she would were it a real cafe, lifting up an invisible cup and tipping it to the camera as if setting up a toast.
"I...Don't know" All Might says warily, watching the ten-minute timer dwindle as the hero duo walks around the building that Todoroki already froze, neither of them was particularly concerned as they assumed that their opponents were frozen to the floor by now.
Then the cameras shook, an explosion caving in a couple of floors and knocking over the already unstable Yaomomo.
"What just happened?" Todoroki mumbled.
"The bomb just blew up" Kaminari commented, everyone in the control room in a state of shock. "I thought it was made of paper mache?" he asked All Might.
"It is" his teacher replied.
"Then how did it just blow up!?"
All Might stood there also shocked as he tried to take in what happened and how to explain it while also wondering if he should end the round since the villains were far away and the heroes objective was compromised. That was when he understood.
The bell rang and the round was over, "VILLAIN TEAM WINS" Noriko stood up fist pumping in the air and a bounce of victory in her step.

When they got back to the observation room Todoroki confronted her, "Where were you?" he asked.
Noriko innocently lifted up a can of coffee that she had retrieved from the vending machine on her way to the briefing, "Oh ya know, getting something to drink" she smirked a little triumphantly.

"Young Noriko please explain your actions during the exercise" AllMight requests.
"Geez-" she says rubbing the back of her neck in mild irritation mixed amusement, "I wanted to win so I acted like a villain, wasn't that the point?"
"Yes, but how did you blow up the bomb? and why? and why did you leave is that even allowed?" Kaminari bombarded her with questions until she couldn't quite think straight.
"Oh, that," she said with a smirk, "A mildly violent friend of mine designed my costume" Noriko unbuttoned the side of her skirt prompting Kirishima to blush and the perverts of the class to start glowing in excitement. that is of course until she unwrapped the outer layer of her skirt from the lower layers of petticoat and displayed the cloth for all to see. The entire piece of fabric was covered in weapons varying in size, shape, and purpose, there were three small empty places, one that seemed to be next to a wide variety of handheld grenades, another where there several timers were lined up, and the last was in a row of vials filled with gunpowder. "I cut open the paper mache, hooked up a timed bomb, and left" she explained.
"BuT WHy!?" her classmates whined.
"If you know that someone is coming after you what do you do more often than not? You leave. What do you do when you have something that someone else wants but that you can't take with you? You destroy it. Where do you go when you don't want to be found? To the middle of a crowded area. It's simple stuff guys, why confront someone and defend something if you can destroy it and get away to try again?" she was honestly confused why her classmates thought that it was so important to go into head to head battles with each other. "This was way easier and nobody got hurt," she said before going to sit down.

"HERO TRAINING IS OVER PLEASE CHANGE OUT OF YOUR HERO COSTUMES AND RETURN TO HOME ROOM!" All Might yelled before dashing away from his bewildered students.
They reluctantly changed in much the same manner as they had previously before.

"If Young Noriko ever turns against the heroes for any reason at all, she would be the worst kind of foe to fight against" All Might murmured to himself later on. 

A.N. HEYYY wazzup, so um I kinda have writer's block so I don't have a new chapter to go in the whole with the plot, but I did think of this and so I wrote it. Do I think that Mina is at the very least Bi? yes I really do and she's very flamboyant and this was supposed to be a kinda fun thing so I threw in her antics there. By the way, I have finished the final chapter, like I had the idea for it so I know how it's going to end "muahahaha" no idea how to go from where I am to there but I have it planned written I just need to get between the two. So hope you like this in the meantime while I figure it out.  P.S. I watched Avengers Endgame and it is very good, if you watch it, it's a really good idea to bring tissues. OKAY HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT GBYE!!

I set the die that day- bnha x villain ocWhere stories live. Discover now