Chapter 18

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1A was dismissed for the rest of the day and told to stay at home, they were given the day following off as well. Ordinarily, students would be thrilled to have a day off, but the only thing all of them could think about was their injured friend. They were all, every single one of them; suffering.


3rd POV:

Classes had started once again in U.A. highschool, the highly anticipated sports festival weren't away and nearly everyone was training and working hard so they could have a shot at winning the festival. Nearly everyone, meaning that not everyone was. Noriko Sachiko, the small girl whom had been sentimentally adopted by everyone she met was not working hard. She was not even awake. She lay unconscious in her hospital bed, still unaware of what was happening around her. Still in a coma.

Everyone in U.A.'s first-year level A hero course had an aura about them, they looked happy, they pretended to be happy. But they weren't. And everybody could tell. The cafeteria which was previously a loud and rambunctious place due to the hero course going out of control had turned hollow, everyone was there but none of them had the same reactions and emotions that they used to. A piece went missing, a piece they didn't know was this important until she was gone.

Aizawa-sensei and All Might would go into the glass beside Noriko's hospital room every day, they wanted to go into it and give her human contact-even if she couldn't feel it- but she was still in critical condition. So nobody was allowed to be in the same room except for doctors. Sometimes when they showed up a young girl who looked the same age as the rest of class 1a would be there, she introduced herself to Aizawa as 'Hinari'. She said that Noriko was staying with her while the girl's parents were away.

Sometimes 'Hinari' would start crying and mumbling about other people who wanted to be there but couldn't, Aizawa-sensei would then assume that it was Noriko's parents who were distraught over a video call, they couldn't come because of the Japan Self Defence Force work that took them away in the first place. On occasion 'Hinari' and Noriko's parents would sit together via video call and just cry together with 'Hinari's' back pushed against the separating glass wall.

Flowers were not allowed into the ICU room Noriko was being kept so U.A. got special permission to put the flowers the class bought in the adjoining room meant for visitors, which under ordinary circumstances would have to be kept free of anything other than visitors and medical equipment.

At school, Hitoshi Shinsou had gotten detention and cleaning duty for a month because of his stunt at the USJ. the teachers said that no matter the circumstances, a hero does not use violence or intend to hurt another unless it is necessary, especially a hero in training when there are Pro's in the area who were actually certified by the government to do any brutality required. Class 1A's homeroom class had been temporarily turned into a daily therapy session. Though the children had made it out of the ordeal with minimal physical injuries, the same could not be said for their mental states. All of them were traumatized by the brutality they saw put upon their classmates and teachers. Most people would have quit trying to be a hero right then and there, no high schooler should have to see that kind of cruel inhumanity. But 1A was full of fighters and it made almost all of them even more determined to be heroes, so nothing like that ever happened around them again.

Eventually, the small girl was moved out of her room in the ICU as she was no longer in critical condition despite being continuing to be unconscious. Her vitals had stabilized and all they were waiting, for now, was for her brain to believe the body saying it was okay, and for her quirks side effect to relinquish its hold and accept that she has had enough rest. The room was flooded with flowers, some might choke on the smell if they were unprepared for what awaited them on the other side of the door. Some hospital goer's who had opened the door on accident when trying to find a different room had fallen victim to just that.

I set the die that day- bnha x villain ocUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum