Chapter 2

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"You have a new mission" Kurogiri says. I smile.

Noriko POV:

"You are to be infiltrating Yuuei High school be our fly on the wall, it would be troublesome to send in a recommendation so you will have to take the entrance exam which you will pass, your family and work here will ensure that, use yourself to your advantage and be friends with everybody, not that you need to try you always make friends easily" he mumbled the last part more to himself than to me.

"Alrighty, i'm looking forward to it" i saluted with a wink and smile before jumping off the tall counter and making my way towards the back room where I live for the time being. Mom and dad had to move far away because of daddy's work and I didn't want to leave my school so they let me stay under the condition i stay with a friend. Toga was the a different person with a slightly different personality...otherwise i doubt they would have let me.

Flicking on the light i saw my large piles of stuffed animals filling the room. I immediately ran over to the giant totoro futon that was surrounded by pandas and rolled around it in a ball before settling down and watching a movie, it was called 'Whisper of the heart' by Ghibli. It's a cute love story and i've watched it a bunch.

When my movie was over I went into the bases common room to see Gaki and Dabi sitting in front of the tv watching their own movie and for some insane reason not insulting each other. I smiled, it's nice when they get along. I looked at the screen for a moment before starting to cry. Gaki and Dabi both jumped when they heard the sound considering there was no sound beforehand since the movie they were watching didn't have any sound execpt for a rabid monster who happened to kill someone the moment the small lolita walked into the room.

"Fucking goddamn it" Gaki whispered while Dabi came over to hug me knowing I like hugs when i'm scared.

"Why.. were you watching...such a...scary movie" I had to take deep breaths to be able to talk through my tears, "the monster... looked like the ones from that 'parasyte' show you watched a while ago" I had gotten moderate control of myself so I could talk.

"THAT'S WHAT HE REMINDED ME OF!" Dabi shouts pointing at Gaki.

"I wonder if the idiots are gonna get sued for copyright" Gaki said with a thinking face.

"Doubt it, it's pretty much just the head face thing thats similar with its whole opening shit it does, but that's about all the similarities kuz this one has a monster body too and the other one seems human"

I started crying again when I thought about the monster.

"Ah shit you've done it this time fucktard, I told you we should have watched the damn movie when she was on a mission or some shit, I knew this would happen.." he started grumbling in general.

"What..movvie were you...watching..*hiccup*"

"It's called, 'A Quiet Place' don't watch it"

"I won't" I salute vaguely before falling asleep in Dabi's arms, crying is exhausting...

3rd POV

"How come she can go round killing hero's all the damn time like its nothing, even smiling about it, but the second she sees a monster like that she starts freaking out and crying" The the young blue haired male asks Dabi simultaneously pointing at the paused tv and scratching at his neck in annoyance.

"Chill out dude she's just a kid and that monster totally looks like one of those 'monster under the bed' type things that kids are afraid of" Dabi replies.

"Kid? That brat is a kid? She's only a few years younger than us baka"

"Shit, really?"

"Newbies know nothing" tomura grumbles, "yeah, really, i've known her for quite a while so I'm sure"

" 'a while' as in like a 5 or less years or like nearly her entire life?" Dabi inquires.

"She became a top tier league affiliate a few weeks after she turned four and a few days after she joined the league, she burnt down a hero building agency and killed hundreds of people without remorse, and with the help of that handy quirk of hers, she was a valuable resource so I've known her since I was nine" Tomura responds, his voice softening slightly as a small loving smile appeared on his face. He would never admit to the action though.

The sleeping girl was half smiling and already drooling.

"We should put her in her room" Dabi says starting to stand up with Noriko in his arms.

"Yeah" Tomura agree's

"This is where you tell me where the fuck it is, I've only been here for a month I don't know where shit is!" Dabi half yells at the now smirking blunette.

"Yep sorry Mr. I-don't-know-where-things-are-despite-LIVING- HERE-for-a-month"

"Why the fuck did you turn my sentence into a 'Mr..' sentance, and get that smug look off your face or so help me I will burn you!"

"Her room is that way" Tomura points at the end of the connected hallway. "Beware might..burn your eyes....Good luck!" Tomura leaves Dabi to fend for himself in the potentially, dangerously cute bedroom belonging to the small girl.

The first thing to occur to the emo young man was that the girls room was stupidly bright and he should have worn sunglasses, the second thing he noticed was that it smelled, a lot, but not in a bad way like it was dirty, just a really really strong lilac type scent all throughout the room making it much different than the rest of the base in every way. He walked over to the plush character futon laid out on the floor and tucked the small girl under the covers so she wouldn't be cold while she slept. Then he left her in her room and turned off the lights so she could sleep.

I set the die that day- bnha x villain ocWhere stories live. Discover now