Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:


The heroes decided to make the final round a little more difficult by not fixing the floor of the damage Bakugou wrought upon it so they would have to fight on uneven ground like they would if there were in a real hero-villain battle.


The competitors stood face to face. Shinsou stood determined to defeat his classmate who had dominated every battle they had had in the past. Noriko stood confident and even playful. Not worried about any of the coming events.

"THE FIGHT OF THE FINALS WILL BE A DECIDING MATCH BETWEEN HITOSHI SHINSOU AND NORIKO SACHIKO! Noriko defeated him in the entrance exams to gain first place and again in practical heroics class even though she had just moments before woken up from a nap, she gave him advice in the past but has he taken it to heart and improved himself!?" Present Mic announced loudly.

Shinsou wasn't stupid, he knew that she had used him during the second trial, but he also knew that he respected her for it. She had quickly come up with the most efficient way to defeat the opposing team with little to no fighting or injuries. She was always like that, it was simply what made up Noriko Sachiko. Passing out wisdom, making suggestions, making sure that other people were happy or at the least safe instead of worrying about herself.

"Shinsou-kun?" she said from across the platform, her head tilting in questioning. "You shouldn't zone out in a battle you know" she played with her fingers while waiting for him to come up with some kind of reply.

He took a step forward, they had already been told to start but he hadn't been paying attention and she had waited for him to do something first. And with that first step...he fell. His shoelace had been caught on a small piece of overturned rubble.

"You should pay more attention to your surroundings" she commented swaying on her feet, backward and forwards, the wind in the stadium whipping her hair up in a frenzy. Looking up at her she almost looked sinister. Well, not looked, because Noriko could never LOOK sinister. She just had that clouding over her eyes and a slight release of bloodlust that made him just a tiny bit frightened.

"In a real fight your opponent would be attacking you right now so you should stand up super quick" she mimed jumping up like the fastest animal she could think of at the moment: a rabbit.

The audience chuckled lightly at her childish display. "Yeah, yeah" he mumbled standing up and getting into a more combat ready stance. She smiled. "Looks like you aren't trying to rely on your quirk this time" you could see it in her eyes, she was impressed. In all the years of telling anyone to improve on anything they usually brushed her off as some kid that wasn't even three feet tall. He was the first to listen, but she knew it would only hurt to defeat him if she kept thinking about him with pride and awe. So she straightened and readied herself.

A crack, it was the first thing anyone present heard. And it wasn't a soft crack that you almost miss. No this was the sound of a very large bone breaking against the burnt and sharp rubble that made up the simulated battlefield. Tears pricked at the corners of Shinsou's eyes. The pain threatened to overtake him, it burned, and it bled. He could see a small portion of bone poking out from underneath his skin. He wanted to give up. To get treatment so it wouldn't hurt so much. But he wanted to be a hero, and heroes aren't supposed to give up when something goes wrong or they're in pain.

Shinsou tried to make himself more determined by imagining a group of civilians behind him and that if he was taken out those civilians would be doomed. It was hard to think like that though because throughout the whole fight she didn't look like an enemy, she just looked like Noriko. Smiles and giggles, an innocent glint in her eyes, as if she had never felt pain or seen horrors that shouldn't be talked about. He knew she had though, he remembered her being in a coma, he remembered her screams.

It made him want to work even harder, simply looking at her made him determined. Determined to make sure nobody ever got hurt like she had while he was around ever again.

She saw that determination in his eyes. It almost made her want to let him win. But she also knew, that once people win, they stop trying, they think it's 'good enough' and there's no point in working anymore, they beat their biggest rival. Which is exactly why she couldn't let him win.

"Ya know, I'm really proud of you, you listened when I told you to stop being so dependent on your quirk" she hummed contentedly "but, you still have quite a ways to go before you can beat me" she declared slamming her small hands on the rough concrete, a small piece slicing the palm of her hand, her legs kicked out and her foot roughly connecting with the side of his cheek. The force knocked him over his already broken arm doing a horrible job at catching his fall.

Shinsou's head pulsed. His vision was blurry and even his hearing sounded broken up. Sounded like a radio when it's out of its intended distance, only picking up every other word and not making a proper sentence. He rolled over, her stomach on the floor about to try to pick himself up, drag himself to his feet if he had to.

But he was too late, all he heard was "I'm sorry" clear as day before everything turned pitch black. 

A.N. HEYYY so yeah again I'm sorry it took so long, I had a science olympiad competition (I got first place btw*brushes imaginary dust off shoulder*) and then the week after that I had the play that we were working on actually showed to the public so there was practice every night. and hey now I'm sick but that means I've got nothing better to do but shower you in words. when I started writing this I wasn't entirely sure how I was going to end it but now I know so I'm super excited about that.  another reason it took so long to get out this chapter was because I was scared you wouldn't like the OC winning the sports festival because my sister hates it when stuff like that happened but personally I have read way too many fanfictions where you have this overpowered character and then they just randomly lose to someone they really shouldn't for some stupid reason which really irritated me so I'm writing the kind of story I want to read which means my OP character is not losing because of something stupid...sorry... anyways: HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT GOODBYE!

I set the die that day- bnha x villain ocजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें