Chapter 6

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So umm... Yeah I know I said I was gonna post on Saturday but I felt like writing so I did and now I've got chapters so yeah! Here is this one:



I approved it incorrect quirk information, fake address and all. Then I went back to base daydreaming of the food Kuro might have laid out for me as well as a nice nap after all of the energy used today.

Resume story:

Tomura POV:

    The brat was late. Weren’t hero exams supposed to only last like two hours or some shit? That’s what it was last year with the big ass robots and idiotic exam planning. How many mind quirk users took that test only to be sent away ‘cause of shitty non human opponents? Either way I hope to fucking hell it’s a better exam this year and that the shrimp gets back faster. Toga is burning my fucking ear with her questions about when she’s gonna be back. I can’t take it anymore. Kill me or better yet let me kill her.

Noriko Pov

    I bet Gaki is mad I didn’t come home earlier but it’s not my fault the exams were so long! There was too many people applying. BUT I bet it will make him happy to learn that I have maps of nearly all of the U.A training grounds. Except of course the ones that weren’t used in the exams.

    I walked up to the tall door of the bar and reached for the door knob, it was really loud inside. Maybe there was patrons that were being too loud. I turned the knob and pushed the door forward taking a step into the warm space. The first thing I noticed was that there was nobody at the bar. The second thing I noticed was Gaki on top of Toga with a knife to her throat yelling “IF YOU DON’T STOP ASKING ME THAT QUESTION YOU WON’T HAVE A WAY TO ASK IT” and then Dabi laughing so hard he was about to fall of the chair he was sitting in.

“I’M HOME” I yelled catching all of their attention. Toga was the first to push Gaki off of her and run over to tackle me to the ground.

“KOKO” she yelled “how was the exam? What was it like? Did you do well? Did you make any maps? Was there any interesting people? Did you make any friends? “ the questions just kept on coming so fast I didn’t have time to answer any of them but tried to remember them so I could answer them when she was done.

“Hiya toga!” I cheered when she was done. “The exam was really cool, Gaki was right it was a battle exam you fought people with a timelimit and a no injury rule and the last person per city moved on and you got points for taking other people out so even if you didn’t get in the top you still have a chance at being a part of the hero course, I got first place as well as the most points” I smiled and puffed out my chest proudly at my last statement

“I made a whole BUNCH of maps just a sec-” I pulled a giant stack of papers out of my backpack and looked around for Kuro because Gaki would just disintegrate them and Dabi might burn them on accident , “Here ya go! There was this cool guy who looked like he hadn’t slept in a week, This blondie I met on the way there who thought I was a kid and underestimated me, but I beat him in the last round , OH the brother of ingenium was there, he can run really fast too! Umm who else, I think thats most of the interesting people aside from the teachers and stuff there was Present Mic, Midnight, I think I saw Eraserhead sleeping behind the didn’t really look human but it had long dark hair so maybe… AND THEN there was this really nice girl named Mishin-chan and she gave me a granola bar because when I went to say hi my stomach made those hungry noises because THEY DIDN’T FEED US! That reminds me...CAN I HAVE FOOD PLEASE KURO!?” I jumped at him clinging to the bottom of his torso and widening my eyes with tears at the corner continuing to silently beg him.

I set the die that day- bnha x villain ocWhere stories live. Discover now