Before I Started Liking Him

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             It started when I was looking for someone to go to the dance with me, for some reason I was worried about it even though I shouldn't be, because I'm in 7th grade and its not like it was prom. But other than that fact I had a crush on this guy- (lets say his name is Adam) who was this big muscular "cowboy" I cant believe I'm saying that- there was no way he liked me back. But any way most of my friends already knew that I liked him but Adam and I hadn't really "talked" other than saying "Hi!" to each other every once in awhile in the hallway. 

             In addition we had Pre-Alg together and I was kinda giving it away by being such a flirt and my friends made sure I knew that. So I asked them what I should do then and they said "Just let it come naturally but give it a push every once and awhile." But if you knew me and my personality I would take your advice and only use it for about an hour. The next day my friends minds had changed and they really wanted me to ask him to the dance. My friends and I had been talking about it all morning and I was way too nervous to do it. So anyway long story short I eventually got over it and asked him after waiting a few seconds he said "I'll think about it" he was a very nice guy and still is but my point is he didn't say it like your mom when you were 9 years old asking for a goldfish because she said absolutely not for a dog, a cat, or about anything with four legs plus a snake. He said it like he already knew it was a yes but just didn't want to say yes at the moment. 

             Any way the day had gone by with no reply and it was after track practice now. I went to go change and came out of the locker room to one of his friends coming up to me and saying " He said yes". I was astonished, so I kept asking his friend over and over again if he was serious and he said yes to every time I asked him so I went to go tell my friends but right after I told them another one of his friends came up to me and said "He said no" and I didn't know what to believe but I thought well its most likely a no so moments later I went to go wait with my friends for my ride. So I told my friends what had happened and one of my best-est friends (lets call her Emily) went with one of my other friends (we'll call her Isabella) and asked him if he said yes or no and if no, why? It wasn't long till they got back and said " He said that you're funny and nice but he just doesn't like you like that". I understood, but in the back of my mind I thought that I only wanted to go to the dance with him as friends although it wasn't true because I liked him much more than that and I wanted things to go further into a relationship but it was too late, the secret was out, he didn't like me and I would just have to move on.

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