Chapter Eleven

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I can't believe how wrong I'd been, I should've listened to that little voice inside my head when she said it was for the best to stay to myself this summer. The last thing I needed was to get involved with someone when I would be moving three hours away in a couple of months. And obviously, I have a problem reading people. I would stick to what I knew from now on – and that didn't involve handsome strangers.

My next week goes about the same as the week before. I did see Mama once after work, but it wasn't like something miraculous happened, she looked at me before going up the stairs and closing herself off once more. If that's what she wanted then, fine by me, I won't hinder her self-loathing.

Friday night, Beau called asking if I wanted to grab something for dinner. I had just enough time to change before he was knocking on the door. We agreed on one of the indoor-outdoor restaurants that's quite popular in town, of course during the summer. We're lucky enough to snag a table just as a couple leaves. It takes some time, but after squeezing through the crowd we to get to it. Burgers, fries, and milkshakes are ordered, then we begin our wait. Looking around my eyes drift through the crowd. There are a bunch of families enjoying the warm summer evening with their kids. Across the grassy area, some of the tables sit separately. A small smile plays on my lips as I watch the kids run and chase one another through the only path of grass amongst the concrete.

My smile freezes, seated at one of those tables is Rhett and Savannah. They are leaned toward each other appearing to be having an intimate conversation.

Quickly I avert my eyes, I can't believe it. What a scumbag. I'm unable to help myself, my eyes flick back in their direction, but this time Rhett isn't looking at Savannah. He's looking directly at me.

Scowling I sharply turn my head away from him and look at Beau, ignoring him. I begin talking to Beau trying to distract myself, but I feel his eyes on me. I refuse to acknowledge him. He needs to pay more attention to his date and stop staring.

We don't have to wait much longer before our food arrives – we each dive in as if we're starving. I actually am, it had been so long since I'd had a decent meal. After work, the best I could do was heat something up in the microwave.

Our food doesn't last long, and soon we're teasing each other and enjoying our milkshakes. My mind preoccupied for the time being.

"You really put that food away" Beau gestures toward my empty wrappers.

"You don't have any room to talk sir" I point toward the identical ones laying in front of him.

"Yeah but you're a girl..."

I bring my hand to my chest, my mouth dropping open as I fake disgust. I can't hold it for long before laughter bubbles out of me. Beau tries to maintain his stoic expression, but soon he follows suit laughing along with me.

Looking toward the bathroom, I notice for once tonight that the line isn't long, "Hey I'll be right back."

I had to resort to wiping my hands on my pants as I leave. Apparently sometime this evening they had run out of paper towels and hadn't gotten around to refilling it.

"Date night?" a deep voice asks causing me to jump, my heart nearly escaping my chest.

Pivoting I find Rhett leaning against the wall outside the bathroom "Were you waiting on me?" I ask accusingly.

Shrugging he pushes off the wall advancing toward me "More like waiting on my date."

"Ah right, Savannah. Well, I do hope you two are having fun, but if you'll excuse me."

I begin walking back toward my table but stop short as he says, "You have no right to be angry with me."

I stop "I'm not angry."

"Is that right?" he says his voice getting closer "Well then tell me why that beautiful face is now set in a permanent frown?"

"Thought you were looking for your date?" I snap keeping my back to him.

"You could have just been honest and told me you had a boyfriend..." he trails off, I can feel him directly behind me.

I spin around his eyes widening in surprise "Boyfriend?" I ask in confusion. Looking toward our table I stare at Beau, shaking my head "You mean Beau?"

"Who else would I be talking about?" he asks, his brows furrowing in frustration.

I don't respond but just stare blankly into those eyes that still somehow have a hold over me.

"You two aren't together? I thought..." he seems at a loss for words. His face morphing from frustration to utter disbelief.

"You could've just asked..." I stare at him for one more second, my eyes scanning his face before I leave him and return to my seat across from Beau, who eyes me suspiciously.

Shrugging I say "Long lines" picking up my milkshake I savor the last bit of it. Looking up Beau's focused on something or rather someone behind me. He's well aware that something happened whether I'm willing to tell him or not.

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