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      "CHAD!!!" you scream loudly as you scram away from the hideous creature crawling in your shower tub and accidentally trip on your way out of the tub. As you try to break your fall, you grab the shower curtain to hold on, but that was a mistake. The shower curtain goes down with you and you cry out loudly in pain.

       Chad quickly enters the bathroom and sees you the ground and begins to help you up, but you only yell out, "FORGET ABOUT ME! MURDER THE UGLY THING IN THE SHOWER BEFORE IT MURDERS ME, CHAD!!"

       Chad steps away from you and looks inside the tub to see a spider trying to escape the tub as the shower head continues to spray water on it. Chad grabs a small amount of toilet paper and squishes the spider with no problem and throws it into the trash. He looks over to you as you are covered in soap and water, but blushes deeply and looks away from you.

      "Chad, you are my hero!" you utter happily and try to give him a hug but he sticks his hand out and tries to hand you a towel with the other.

       "What?" you ask as you put your hand on your hips and feel you bare skin before blushing redder than Chad and quickly grab the towel from him.

        "Are you okay, (First Name)?" he asks softly as you wrap the towel around you.

         "Y-Yeah. Thanks for killing the spider," you respond before walking out of the bathroom but Chad stops you.

          "You're welcome and you need to finish showering. You still have soap in your hair, (First Name).

          "R-Right. Can you... Can you stay in the bathroom with me until I'm done. I don't trust the bathroom anymore."

          Chad smiles at you and kisses your forehead before nodding his head yes. You smile back at him and go back into the bathroom to shower again as your sweet husband waits for you to finish.

          "Once I'm done, I'll make your favorite tomato dish and we can watch your DVDS of Carnivore Kingdom."

          "Okay," Chad states before he smiles widely and waits for his three favorites things to enjoy the rest of his day, his beautiful wife, tomatoes, and Carnivore Kingdom.


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I've been working a lot lately and I've been focusing on my college and haven't had the time to write anything or even come up with small ideas for Bleach. Writers block hit me harder than it ever did because I've been stressing out a lot. I know this is a small one shot but I'll do my best to make longer ones and make up for one-shots that are missing part two. I hope you are all doing well and thank you sticking with me even with me disappearing without a notice. I hope you will continue to stay with me and see how I've progressed in writing too! I still will probably make some mistakes but I will correct everything when this one shot book is complete.


Until next time,


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