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You smiled gently as you watched Harugasaki fold laundry. You walked up to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You are always doing laundry every time I come out here, Seizo," you say.

"It is something I am good at," he chuckles, as he folds the last clothing.

You hum before looking up at the sky. It was awfully sunny and you felt very dizzy. You gripped your head, wincing slightly from the dizziness. Seizo took a glance at you before carrying you in his arms.

"Perhaps you should stay inside (First Name). We wouldn't want you to get in trouble with your brother again," he says, setting you down slowly.

You puff out your cheeks before sighing. "He never lets me do anything! All because I am too sick."

"He is just looking out for you. We wouldn't want a relapse of what happened," he says, his voice wavering with sadness.

"You are right Seizo. Would you mind getting me some water please?"

He nods gently before walking off to get your drink. You thought about how Harusagaki was kind, unlike the rest of squad 11. A smile formed on your lips at he came back with your water.

"Thank you Seizo~!"

"Anytime (First Name)," he says.

You take a sip of the water before hearing shouting from the outside.



Your brother's voice fills up your eyes and you quickly stood up, rushing outside and while Seizo is right behind you. When you reached the outside, Ikkaku and some other man were aruging.

"I mean come on! Your sister can't do shit! She should just leave this squad and go to another!"

"Need to remind you, I need to keep an eye on her," Ikkaku spat.

Just as the other guy was about to hit Ikkaku, you got in his way, taking the blow to your cheek. You were sent flying back and you heard gasps and your name being called out.

"Oh shit. (Guy's Name) is totally dead now," one of the members say.

"(First Name)!" Ikkaku yells angrily, helping you up, making sure you are okay.


"You fucking bastard. You dare hurt my sister?!" Ikkaku yells, grabbing the hilt of his sword.

"In my defense, she got in the way," (Guy's Name) states.

Just as Ikkaku was about to take out his sword, you held onto his shoulder, making him freeze up.

"He is right Ikkaku, but he is wrong about one thing," you begin.

"And what is that?" (Guy's Name) asks.

"I am not useless," you smile at him before running towards the man, and throwing a punch at him that he'll never forget, "I may not be in the best health, but I surely pack a punch."

"(First Name)!" Ikkaku's voice fills your ears.

You quickly turn and put on an innocent act. "Ikkaku~! How are you Oniichan?"

You glares at you before starts ranting off about your health.

"Get that through your thick skull!"

"Just shut up! I know about my health! I know what will happen if I am careful, but if you keep butting into my business, then we have problems!" you shout angrily.

"Fine. Do what the hell you want. As of now, you are highly not my concern!"

With that, he leaves with anger radiating of his shoulders. Sadness swelled your heart as he walked away, but deep inside, something felt wrong about this.


Four days. He has not once come by at all to see you. It hurt inside, but you pushed it aside. Although, someone has been keeping you company during these four days.

"Speak of the devil," you giggle, waving at Harugasaki,"Seizo!"

He waves back before standing right before you. "(First Name). How are you today?"

You smiled at him, "Great! All thanks to you."

He slightly blushes before responding with kind words again. "Anything to help you feel great again."

"You flatter me a lot Seizo. I like you," you grin like a child.

He chuckles before leading the way to your home from the training barracks. As you both had conversations about what you liked, how everything is, etc. Just as you were about to ask him about his old life, a ring filled your ears. You pulled out your phone, to see a message from ex, claiming that he misses you. You rolled your eyes before looking back at Seizo, and putting your phone away.

"Who was that?"

"An ex of mine. He is always sending texts saying that he misses me or that he wants me back. I really hate that."


"Yeah. Anyways, let's just get going and-

Suddenly everything felt heavy. Your head began to hurt and you felt sick to your stomach. Everything hurt and your vision clouded. You fell, but Seizo caught you in time.

"(First Name)?!"

"Seizo. . ."

*S E I Z O 'S POV*

She laid on the bed, not moving a single muscle. Her skin tone was an sickly pale color, her breath ragged from time to time, cause Unohana worry about her being. Unohana said she had sent someone for Ikkaku about an hour ago, but it seem as if he was scared to see her.

I held onto her hand, begging her to wake up.

"(First Name). . . Please wake up. I need you to wake up. I don't think I can live without you."

No movements at all. Only the sound of the line, meaning her heart gave out. 

Unohana rushed in along with other members of her squad, and right there, stood Ikkaku, coloring draining from his face. 

To be continued...

Sorry for my slow ass updates. I have been working a lot and I hardly get any sleep, but now I am on vacation from work for three works, meaning I have time to write all the one-shots for Bleach!

See you next time,


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