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Imagine That!

Chapter 3

Help Us

Francis kept his smug smile while Arthur kept his lame frown.

"I expected you to be a male." Arthur said as he observed me.

I squinted at him, "And I expected you to be more sagacious but I suppose we were both wrong."

Francis laughed as the day seemed to continue, though it was mostly surrounded by bad evidence and awkward silences, we somewhat made progress, I think.

"We would appreciate it if you gave me back my file. It is very important that I get it back and soon." Francis spoke.

"And I would appreciate it if you listened to what I've been telling you, I can't tell you their personal information because that would violate my contract! The contract that I wrote!" I repeated for the fourth time probably.

"Well then, violate it this once, because that information will greatly increase our chances when and if we have to deal with those guys again." Arthur argued.

"Deal with?" I asked, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Before either of the two guys had the chance to respond, we all jumped at the sound of glass breaking from the kitchen. We all stood up and off the couch.

"Wait, what the hell are you doing?" I asked Francis and Arthur, they were walking towards my kitchen without any weapons, "You know, when someone hears a scary unknown noise, it's usually common sense to go away from the sound, not fucking towards it!" I shouted.

Arthur turned around and shushed me.

In my house.

He fucking SHUSHED me.


"Shushing me in my house is gonna get you shushing all the way to the hospital when I get my foot up your-" I mumbled but stopped upon seeing a girl in my kitchen.

She had shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes and was wearing a Dave Strider shirt and black jeans and socks. No shoes, just socks...

"Who are you?" I asked, while standing behind Arthur and Francis.

"I'm um... No one. I was just getting you guys some Faygo and Oreos. You know, I heard a lot of angry shouting so my first instinct was to get you all some snacks." She said ackwardly, "But then the damn cup just fell." She added as she pointed to the broken glass that littered the floor.

"How did you get in?" I asked.

"Oh, well, I sort of opened the door, with the door knob and... Stuff." She responded.

Francis raised a brow, "That's okay... But s'il vous plait mon cher, what is your name?"

The girl sighed as she poured out some grape Faygo into matching tea cups my parents had purchased some time ago. "Well, since you asked so kindly, my name is Celeste, um, you can just call me author." She spoke.

"Author?" Arthur asked.

"Good job kid!" Celeste smiled she handed us all tea cups with Faygo in it and handed us two Oreos. "Later now you cool cats!" She laughed as she walked past us all and outside of my house.

"Did she just take all my godamn Oreos?" I hissed. Arthur and Francis both seemed as stunned as I was but dealt with the situation better, they both walked back the the living room and told me to follow them again.

Once again, we all sat down on the couches but this time, we made more progress.

Finally, these guys began speaking on my turfs.

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