Chapter 14: USSR

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As I walked home I thought about America. It was very saddening what his father did, but mine was probally worse. As I walked home taking as much time as possible, I got deep in thought. Thinking and asking questions, trying to answer them. Sometime later, I got home.... I took a deep breath before opening the door and seeing my father angry. I slowly opened the door and saw my father on the couch. I walked in side and slowly, quietly closed the door. I saw flat father turn his head towards me. " Where were you Russia!?" He said with an angry tone. I was at a friends house then took a slow walk back over here. "And which friend was that!?" U-Uhhh China......? I answered unsure. I tried to think of something quickly, but I am bad at that so it came out more of a question than an answer. My father nodded his head and let me go. It was already pretty late, so I just went to bed after brushing my teeth. Wow it wasn't that bad this time, I'm surprised he believed me. I thought until I fell asleep.

I went to bed crying myself to sleep. I wanted to skip school tomorrow, but that probably wouldn't happen. My stomach started to hurt, and my open cuts stinging. Parts of my pillow wet from the tears streaming down my face. Being as quiet as possible, trying not to be loud. I didn't want to wake anybody up nor hear my cry. I thought one thing and they were all why? Why this, why that. Why? Why? Why?! I couldn't stop. Why did he do this? Why does he not care? Why. Am. I. Alive? That was the last question before I fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning before my alarm. So I stopped it early since I was already awake. I got dressed into a Dark blue hoddie, Black pants, and random shoes ( XD you can pick).
I woke up my little sister and made her and Ukraine's breakfast. I wasn't hungry today so I didn't eat. Belarus asked me if I was ok and if I was gonna eat, but I said I was ok and wasn't hungry. After everybody was done I got my keychain and got everybodys coats.We headed for Belarus's school. Once we got there we said our goodbyes and walked to our school. I got there and saw America wasent there but Canada was. I walked over to Canada. Hey Canada wheres America? "Oh hey Russia" he said. "Americas not feeling good so he stayed home" Canada said looking sad. Oh okay...... The bell rang and we officially started school.

I woke up with a horrible ache in my head and stomach. I told my mom that I wasn't feeling good, and she let me stay home. I slept for most of the day, my mom occasionally checking on me. My "father" wasn't home so I didn't have to be scared of coming out of my room, or him coming in. So I had peace. When I was awake I just looked out my window, which is calming to me. When every body got home, my siblings asked me if I was ok. Answering the same thing I always do: "I'm fine!" Putting on a fake smile. Which I learned to do, I can make it look pretty real so nobody gets suspicious. They were eating dinner and I was  picking at my food. Then we went to bed finally. I questioned myself and tried to answer them. Soon I fell asleep.

-----------------------------------------------------------Sorry for not posting!! And sorry if this was a short and boring chapter...... Anyways! Have a Goodnight/ Day

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