Chapter 8: Nurses Office

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Russia's POV:

When we were walking from outside I looked over at Merica to make sure he was ok. When I looked over at him it looked as if he couldn't walk straight. He and his friends we passing us, Merica looked very dizzy in my opinion, and he was a little bit behind his friends. He was also holding the sides of his head. I was a little worried, but just to make sure I kept an eye on him. He started to lose his balance, and when he fell I caught him. His eyes were still open but he was like as if he was already unconscious. America?!?! America!?!? He fainted. Oh no... Once I got inside with China and Thailand complaining about America, they left for their lockers while I took Merica to the nurses office. When I got into the nurses office the nurse looked at me then down at Merica who I was carrying. She looked back at me getting up and walking over to me and asked: Young man what happened!? Well I don't really know he looked dizzy and fell and I caught him. I really don't know why he fainted or what ever. Miss. Yemen (The nurse) looked at me and said ok follow me to the bed area and ill check his temperature. Ok, I followed Her to the bed area. I went and laid America on one of the beds. She then came over to the bed he was on with the thermometer and checked his temp. hmm he doesn't seem to have a fever, Can you stay with him for a while? I have to go to a staff meeting. Ok i'm fine with that. Thank you Young man! ill notify your teachers. Ok I said.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TIME SKIP WHEN AMERICA WAKES UP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


I woke up to Russia sitting next to me on a bed beside me. I looked around to see where I was while sitting up. The nurses office..... Oww I mumbled. Russia looked at me and said: Hey Merica! are you ok? U-ummm y-yeah i-i'm fine Russia. I lied I wasn't fine. Hmmm Ok.... he said. He sounded like he didn't believe me. Which in my opinion its believable since I was lying, because my head was throbbing, but I didn't care. Russia looked sad to me. Hey Russ you ok? oh yeah... Just mad because Someones! not telling the truth. I sighed maybe no body wants the truth what dose it matter....? Well Merica because I now consider you my friend, because China and Thailand are starting to get annoying, but I still want to know the truth I don't like being lied to America Russia said. W-well i-i u-uhhh.... I stuttered. America you may not trust me yet and I get that but i'm not letting this go, now come on schools about to end. Wait when did I get in here?! After lunch...? Oh thank god I missed music.... I like music Russia said. Wait you like choir!? Well sort of.... what period do you have it? Music is my last period. Thats my last period too! Russia said. Cool! When the bell rang we walked out together, but I was looking around nervously because of Iran, Iraq, and North Korea might be around. What are you doing? Russia asked sounding weirded (I can't spell) out. I'm looking out for Iran, Iraq, and North Korea, to make sure they don't come over to me again. He looked down at me and stopped me, then I looked up at him. America don't worry ill protect you from them. Ok thanks Russia! I was really happy that maybe someone would care for me. Or for at least a little bit until they get annoyed with me because i'm useless.

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