As we head out of the door, I grab both Riot and the picnic basket while Adrian carries a couple of blankets. We get into the car and make our way down the street. It doesn't take long before we pull up to a familiar house and get out of the car. It only takes a couple of knocks before the door swings open, revealing a smiling David. "Hey guys!" he exclaims.

"Hi, David," I respond as we step into the house. Almost instantly, I hear small footsteps pattering through the halls before I spot Logan running towards me, carrying a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle backpack that was a bit too big for him.

"Lulu!" he giggles, jumping into my arms.

"Hi, Logan!" I squeal, lifting him off of the ground.

Logan wraps his tiny arms around me and tucks his head into the crook of my neck. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too, buddy," I chuckle.

Not long after, Ava comes running down the hallway, carrying a bright blue backpack that was decorated with reversible sequins. "Uncle Adri! Luna!" she squeaks, hugging both of us. "Are we staying with you today?!"

"You sure are," Adrian smiles. "You all ready to go?"

"Mhm!" She nods her head before turning to David. "Bye, Daddy!"

"I'll see you tomorrow," David chuckles and kisses both of his kids' foreheads. "I packed them clothes for the night and tomorrow. Logan has some pampers and baby wipes in his bag. Just in case he has an accident."

"Thank you," I tell him before looking at Logan. "We won't have any accidents tonight, right?"

"No..." he whispers to me, resting his head on my shoulder.

"Good," I say and kiss his forehead. Adrian and I lead the kids out of the house and into the car. I buckle Logan into his car seat before hopping into the passenger seat. As we ride to the park, Ava plays with Riot who excitedly hops around the backseat, despite Adrian scolding him.

It doesn't take more than five minutes for us to arrive at the park. We climb out of the car and lead the kids over to a small picnic area near a tree. Adrian sets up our picnic blanket before we all sit down on it. "Do you guys want to play first or eat first?" Adrian asks the kids.

"Play!" Ava exclaims, looking at the playground.

"Go ahead, guys," Adrian permits them. "Just be careful and don't talk to strangers!" he chuckles. Ava and Logan immediately sprint to the playground and begin to play. After watching them for a few minutes, I reach into my bag and grab a book. Ignoring the odd look I receive from Adrian, I begin to indulge in the intriguing plot of my book. After a while, boredom strikes me. With a sigh, I close my book and look up at Adrian who glances at me from behind his sketchbook. "Got bored?" he questions, doodling small figures.

"Yeah...and hungry," I admit before opening the picnic basket. I reach in the basket and take out a container of fresh strawberries. "What are you drawing?"

"I'm just doodling," he sighs, sitting up. He quickly lifts me into his lap and presses a soft kiss to the base of my neck. "How was your book?"

"It started off really well but it's starting to go downhill," I frown, taking a bite of a strawberry. Adrian gives me a small smile before stealing the rest of the strawberry from my hand and placing it in his mouth. "Jerk..."

I allow my eyes to scan the playground as I search for the kids. It doesn't take long for me to spot Logan being gently pushed on the swing-set by his older sister. "Do you want children?" Adrian asks, realizing what I'm looking at.

"Mhm," I nod my head. "I love kids. They're so precious."

"So do I," Adrian slips his arms around my waist as I lean back into his chest. "But there's a lot of things to do before we start having kids."

Building A Dream (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now