Chapter 2

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"Luna! Get down here please!" I heard my mother yell from downstairs. Huffing, I ripped the blanket off of my body and stomped out of my room. I was just getting comfortable! As I made my way down the steps, I tried my best to fix the attitude that was threatening to come out. I was a bit annoyed but of course I couldn't let my mother see that; she was a sweetheart. I entered the kitchen where my mother and father sat, drinking a cup of coffee at the island.

"Good morning, Mama. Papa," I smiled, opening the refrigerator to grab a quick breakfast. I settled for an apple and made my way over to the island to talk to my parents.

"How did you sleep, son?" my father asked, taking a sip from his cappuccino. Papa was straight from Italy. He only moved here to England for college. That's when he met and fell in love with my mother.

"I slept fine, Papa. What did you guys need me for?"

"We're heading off to the restaurant soon so go get ready. I need you for work today." I nodded and made my way up the wooden stairs, ignoring the creaking that sounded under my footsteps. My house was very old. It had once belonged to my grandparents who then passed it over to my parents when they passed away. It was old but I loved it. It always felt so homey.

Oh! Sorry. I guess I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Luna. Luna Stefano Petit, to be exact. Yes, Luna as in the moon. I've always been told that my name is a bit too feminine but I don't mind it. My mother chose it, so it must be fit for me.

For all 21 years of my being, she's been my best friend. She's helped me through being bullied, gaining friends, losing friends, and even convincing my father to let me work at his restaurant. Of course, I'm only a waiter but hey, that's better than nothing. That seems to be as close as I'm ever gonna get to being a chef. That is, as long as I'm working for my dad.

I entered my bedroom, flashing a smile to my small black and white puppy, Aurora. She's so cute! I waltzed over to the bathroom and rushed through my morning routine. When finished, I threw on my uniform which consisted of a black pair of skinny jeans with a black button up shirt, pairing that with my old pair of black converse. I poured some food into Aurora's bowl and placed a kiss on her head before exiting the house with my parents.

Soon enough, we were pulling into the restaurant staff parking lot and got out of the car. I followed my parents inside of the small, quaint place and made my way into the back room. "Papa, am I working first shift?"

"No. Maria, Anna, and Lucas have first shift," Papa stated, unlocking the door to his office. I followed him and mama inside and plopped down on the old green couch that was sat in the corner.

"How is everything with the new place going?" Mama asked as Papa turned his computer on.

"Pretty well..." I tuned Papa's response out as I stared up at the ceiling. Papa was planning to open up another restaurant. This would be the third one. There was one in France while the other one was here on the outskirts of London. Where would the next one be at? I'm not sure. But he'd been talking about it for months and it was just starting to take off. He'd already started to work out all of the financial issues and was now putting his plan into action.

"...Luna!" a loud call interrupted my thoughts. I looked over to see Papa staring at me with an impatient look while mama let out a small smile.


"I was saying that I might put you on duty for a few things in the new restaurant."

I shot up. "Really?"

Papa nodded and looked back at his computer. "I'm not sure what I'm gonna let you do but I trust that you'll do a good job. You can thank your mother for that."

Almost immediately, I hopped over to my parents and pulled them into tight hugs. "Thank you!"

Papa chuckled and placed a kiss on my forehead. "Now go get ready. I'm switching you to first shift."


"Your order should be right up," I smiled at the two American girls who seemed to be on a date. I walked away happy to have finally found some people like me. We don't seem to see many gay guys around here. The only gay person I knew was me; and even so, I was only out to a couple of people. Plus, I'd never even been in a relationship so how would I truly even know.

"Luna!" I heard someone yell. I knew that voice from a mile away. I turned around to face my best friend, Giovanni. Giovanni and I have been friends since we met in primary school. Our friendship was going on seventeen years, this year. He was walking through the doors of the restaurant, his phone in his hand. "Hey, Luna," he smiled, pulling me into a hug.

"Hi!" I grinned. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to ask you if you wanted to go out with me and Laura?" Giovanni asked me, brushing his brown hair out of his face. He grabbed a peppermint from the hostess counter and popped it into his mouth. Laura was Giovanni's girlfriend of two years. She was originally a good friend of mine after we had to do a project together in university. After introducing the two of them, they'd immediately kicked it off and began to like each other. Two years later, they were still together and as happy as ever.

"Why would I wanna be a third wheel?" I raised an eyebrow at him as I began to pile a drinks onto a large black tray.

"You're not gonna third wheel. There will be a couple of other people there, including Marco," Giovanni wiggled his bushy eyebrows at me. Marco was the boy who I'd been crushing on for a few weeks now. Of course, he just had to be straight and a complete jerk but that didn't stop me from taking a peek at his muscular chest and sharp jawline. I felt guilty about eye-raping him all the time but I couldn't seem to stop myself. He was attractive.

I rolled my eyes and began to walk away. "I think I'm okay, Gio."

"Are you sure? It'll be fun."

"I'm positive. I'll talk to you tomorrow," I placed a kiss on his cheek and walked away before I could hear his response. I didn't wanna spend another night watching Laura and Gio make out while Marco acts like a complete douchebag to me.

"You're so lame," my coworker, Anna, giggled. I assumed that she'd been watching the entire situation take place. "You're always so cooped up in the house."

"I like being alone and reading while I cuddle with my puppy," I pouted. "I'm not too fond of going out to bars and stuff." And this was the truth. I hate going to places where people sit and do nothing but get drunk off of their bums. I'd rather sit and hang out with my friends at home, for the pure fact that random strangers aren't involved. Partying wasn't exactly my forte but I did it anyway since Gio always wanted me there. He would do the same for me.

"I heard dad is putting you on a job."

"He is," I smiled. "I don't know what, yet. But I'm excited."

"I'm coming with you. Wherever it is. I can't stay in this place for any longer. It's exhausting."

"Sure, Anna," I giggled. "I should get back to work before papa yells at me."

"Talk to you later, Luna!"

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