Chapter 17

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Third Person

"We have to stop doing this," Adrian mumbles against Luna's lips before pulling away. Luna flashes a small smile at him and gently intertwines their fingers. He had barged into Adrian's office about an hour ago and finalized a few things with his parent's restaurant before waiting around until Adrian was done for the day. Of course, Adrian knew exactly how this would end up: a long make out session on his desk.

Adrian glances at the abandoned files that are spread around his desk. "Stop stressing, babe," Luna says softly, pressing his lips to Adrian's jaw. "You'll get the rest of your work done."

"I know but I really wanted to get it done today," Adrian sighs. "I'll just have to finish it tomorrow when I'm home."

"Hurry and pack up your stuff. I don't want to be late for the party," Luna tells him, hopping down from his position on Adrian's desk. Ava's sixth birthday is taking place this afternoon and of course, Adrian has to show his face. Deciding to keep his promise to his parents, he'd asked Luna to come along to meet everyone.

"You seem pretty excited about this party," Adrian chuckles and begins to organize the files on his desk. He slips them into their correct folders before placing them in his bag.

"I'm just excited to meet your family," Luna grins, showing off his perfectly white teeth. "This is a big step for our relationship, Adrian. We're one step closer to being engaged."

Adrian furrows his brows. "You're thinking a little to deep into this, baby," he grabs a set of clothes that he'd packed with him this morning and places a kiss on Luna's forehead. "I'm gonna go change." Luna sighs and curses himself as he sits down on the office couch. He closes his eyes as he remembers the conversation he and Gio had last night.

"How do you even know when you're in love?" Luna asked as he took a sip of his root beer, leaning back against the headboard on Gio's bed.

Gio smiled at Luna and took a sip of his own beer. "It's something that you'll just know. It's too much to explain."

"We have all night," Luna giggled. "Get to talking."

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Adrian asks as he exits the bathroom. Luna's eyes flutter open and he glances at his boyfriend who is folding his work clothes.

"Nothing important," he shakes his head. He gazes over Adrian's appearance which is now casual as he sports black jeans with a white t-shirt and a light washed denim jacket. He stands up from the couch. "You ready?" Adrian nods and slides on a pair of sunglasses. He grabs his bag and they head out of his office door. Tia spots them from inside of her office that was across from Adrian's.

"Did you guys plan to match or was that a coincidence?" she asks, walking out of her office. Luna furrows his brows and looks down at Adrian's outfit that coincidentally matches his black cardigan over his silky white top that is tucked into a pair of high waisted boyfriend jeans. They both sport a pair of black boots.

"Black, white, and denim," Adrian mutters. "I guess we are matching."

"That was a total coincidence," Luna giggles. Tia gives them another smile and makes her way back into her office. The couple heads down to the parking garage and gets inside of Adrian's car. At some point during the drive, Adrian places his hand on Luna's thigh and sighs. "You okay, baby?" Luna asks.

"Yea, I'm just nervous," he admits, intertwining Luna's fingers with his free hand.

A frown makes its way onto Luna's face as he begins to worry. "Why? Is something wrong?"

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