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*before all of the people came to school

Four POV:

As I prepare my stuff for my class, I heard some footsteps. As I looked up, I saw X standing at my door. "What brings ya here, X?" X nervously shuffled his feet and said: "Well, I-I think you should tell them about your power to grant wishes, and how you got it. After all, it is getting close to the end of the year." Huh. I said: "Alright then, I'll tell them how I got the power to grant wishes."

As I set up all of my stuff, I thought back to how I got the power of wishes.


As I walked back to my house, I was torn up, beaten up by those bullies, those stupid people who wanted me gone forever. Just because I accidentally made one of them faint by screeching them doesn't mean we have to be enemies! I opened the door, to see a strange sight. The house was remarkably clean, but there was an ominous cloud of doubt in the air. As I stepped inside of my house, I instantly heard the door shut. As I turned around, something struck me in the back of the head and I fainted.

Many hours later, I woke up in my bed. "What the hell was that?" I questioned myself, and something responded. "I am a genie, that's what the hell I am." I became irritated at it, and said: "it was a rhetorical question." "Fine, but whatever. Time to do the typical genie thing. Well, I'll grant you 3 wishes.  What will they be?" "First of all, before you grant my wishes, who are you and why did you knock me out?" "Look, I knocked you out because I couldn't have you shouting 'OH A GENIE HE CAN GRANT WISHES' into the middle of the street. That'd be really disastrous, as you can probably tell. Now just tell me your three wishes." I decided to think for a bit. "First, I'd like people to stop mistreating me and my brother." Click. "One wish down, two more to go." "I'd like me and my brother to become successful teachers." Click. "Alright, now what is your last wish?" "My last wish is for the ability to grant wishes to suffering people, or people well behaved in my class once a year." Click. "Wow, you are a thoughtful person. Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go."

Whew, well that was weird. "Well, nothing to do, might as well tell X about this!" I thought to myself. As I walked toward's X's room, I heard a few banging noises. I went into his room, and it turns out he was building a wooden clipboard. As I walked into his room, X turned around annoyed. "Can you please get out, please?" I said: "Nice clipboard. It almost looks like the one we use in school!" X said: " Weeeeell, I was trying to replicate the one in school so this one would look like it." "Why that clipboard, out of all of the clipboards you could have copied?" "Well, one, it's nice, two, I like it, and three, I like to use it to shield my room, from dimwitted idiots who won't respect other people's privacy! Please get out!" "X, you know I came in here for a reason, right?" "What? I left a sock on your bed? The TV still turned on? Mom and Dad doing the thing?" "Well I met a genie, and I made him stop people from mistreating us. Also, he had a really weird personality. Like he didn't care but was forced to do his job." "Well, I think that's his kinda cliche personality, I guess." I decided to leave his room then.

*back to normal*

As the first student came in, more started coming in. As all the seats filled up, I said: "Good Morning Class." "Good morning Professor Four." came the usual response. "Before we begin class, I've decided to tell you all a backstory about me...

*Timeskip 5 minutes*

Leafy POV:

Wow. So magic is real. I looked at Firey, and he shrugged. I raised my hand, and asked: "Is this really what happened? It just seems really unbelievable to me." "Ah, Miss Green, I confirm it is real. Why, if you don't believe me, just ask Prof. X! He'll confirm the details." Firey raised his hand, and said: "Can I go to the bathroom?" The whole class giggled. "Of course you can, Mister Torc, everybody can do it." The whole class burst into laughter as Firey corrected himself: "I-I mean, MAY I go to the bathroom?" "Of course, Mister Torc."

Professor Four walked around, and collected all of the homework, while I thought about Firey. I really really like him, but I don't really want to confess to him. "You're thinking about Firey, are you not?" I blushed, and turned around to see Pin and Coiny smirking. "Hah, knew it!" Coiny jumped up and down as I tried not to die of embarrassment. "Coiny, STOP!" I exclaimed while burying my head in my hands. As Firey walked back into the classroom, I straightened up, but I couldn't get rid of the redness that was still on my face. "Hey Leafy, it looks like you just went through a sauna." I blushed even more, hid my face and said: "Go away!"

Coiny and Pin later said to me: "You can do it! Confess to him on the last day of school! You can do it!" I said: "Possibly, but don't expect it." But to be honest, I already had a plan in mind. It's already halfway through May, and school ends on June 7th. I really want to have that high school romantic moment that all fanfictions talk about.

Way to break the fourth wall, me. Way to go. Welp, it's ending in a few chapters, because it's testing and I can't really write. Graduation is comming in a few weeks, and the end of school is on the thirteenth of june. I suppose I can write another in freshman, and get the novelty done when I'm in Junior year. Welp. Comment, Like, and Follow. Epicemerald out.

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