Skiing time!

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Okay, this is for the milestone of comments, so yeah. I woke up too early today, and I think I'm just gonna publish another chapter. I really want to get to 1k views, and NOTHING'S going to stop me. Anyways, here's the chapter!

(time is Wednesday, after school)

Firey POV:

Aaaaah! I think today was so boring, that it was a relief that school was let out! Oooh, a new notification on my phone! Hmm... Ski... Resort... Open? But it's only in November! Oh well! Time to get out my pair of skis and text Leafy about it!

(Italicized is character POV in texts)

hi leafy

hi firey

ski resort just opened, wanna go?

sure! when?


k! See you at my house!

As I close my phone, I head over to the garage, where my ski stuff are stored. I also put on my ski stuff, grab my gopro, and cross-country to leafy's house. As I ski across her yard, I ring the doorbell. After about ten seconds, it opens.

"Hi Firey!"

"Hey Leafy! Got your stuff ready? Wait, you're already ready. I can tell by your poles and stuff."

"Hey, it's all part of skiing! By the way, I still haven't mastered the parallel turns. They're supposed to be a essential part in skiing. Will you teach me?"

"Sure Leafy! That's what friends are for!"

Then she hugged me. While she isn't staring at me, I blushed, and hid it when she looked back. I am so happy right now.

"Oh, wait. Gotta go to the bathroom! And you dropped your homework under my bed. I can't get it, so can you get it? After all, it is your homework."

"Okay! Meet you outside in 5 minutes!"

Okay, I've gone to Leafy's house before, and I believe her room was on the... Left? Yeah, it's on the left. As I turn into her room, I spot the bed. My homework is underneath there. I peer under the bed, and saw... What? Wall... Of... Small... Victories? What is this? Leafy's board of-WAIT! I'm on there! God, and I' also holding hands with her in the drawing in the middle. As I hear the toilet flush, I  grab my homework, stuff it in my pocket, and run outside. As I close the door, with Leafy beside me, I still can't stop thinking about the drawing. Holding hands? Meh, probably some daydream drawing.

"Firey? Did you forget anything?"

"Uh... Nothing?"

"Oh, I'm sure you have," She said playfully.

"Alright, just give it back."

"Fine, but on one condition."


"Help me on the parallel turns. I texted Pin and Coiny, and they already know the parallel turns, and I don't wanna be embarrassed in front of them not knowing it."

"Awwww... That is so sweet!"


"Alright, fine, twist my arm, I'll do it."

"I also told them to meet at that black lift! What was it called again, Southeast... Blitz?"

"Yeah! We'll have just enough time to go skiing and teach you parallel turn"

"Hmm... Yeah, you're right! Okay, I'll give you back your hot packets!"

"Oh! That, I only brought one. You wanna share it?"

[COMPLETED] A High School Tale (Fireafy Freshmen)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat