Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Waking up the next morning, I am on my back and Creeper's head is on my chest. I run my fingers over the top of his head and feel him start to stir. He looks up at me and kisses me softly and says "Morning baby." I smile softly and say "Morning Neron." He raises up a little more to look at me and asks "You okay?" I caress his face and say "Yeah baby. I am. I promise." He hovers over me and enters me slowly and makes love to me nice and slow before we both find our release.

Later that day, we are sitting out in the main room and Bishop says "Let's head out to Vickie's." I get up and head to the dorm and close the door knowing that Creeper will want to go. He walks in behind me and I say. "It's okay. Go. I trust you." I tell him as I head to the bathroom to shower. He grabs my hand and says "Come with us." I shake my head. "I'm sure the guys don't want your old lady hanging around." I tell him and pull away. "Baby, you're my wife. I want you there with me. It sucks being there, seeing my brothers hooking up knowing that the only one I want isn't there with me." he says. "And you never thought about finding a girl?" I ask. "Nope. Not once." he tells me and I smile. "The guys tell me they're cool about me going and I'll go. If not, you go and have fun." I tell him before turning away from him. A couple of minutes later, Gilly comes to the door. "You coming?" he asks. "I told Creeper if the guys said they were cool with it I would." I tell him. "Get your shit and come on." he tells me. I start getting an overnight bag together for me and Creeper and head to the main room.

Heading out to the bikes, Bishop walks over and says "Sweetheart you are always welcome to come to Vickie's with us." I nod and say "Thank Bish." before getting on the back of Creeper's bike and we head out. Pulling up to Vickie's, Creeper laces his fingers with mine and we walk inside. A woman walks up and hugs the guys and when she gets to Creeper she asks "This the beautiful wife you were telling us about?" I look at him shocked and he says "You think I don't tell everyone I'm married? I'm proud to be your husband baby." he tells me and I can't help but smile. "I'm Vickie. You're welcome here anytime with or without the guys." she tells me. "Thank you Vickie. I'm Luna." She smiles at me and says "Moon Goddess." I smile and nod. "Well, let's have some fun." she says and we all head to the living room. Sitting around with the guys, they all have a girl and Creeper is sitting in one of the chairs with me in his lap. We are spending more time kissing than talking to anyone else. "Wanna head upstairs?" he whispers. I stand up and take his hand and he stands. "Good night guys." Creeper says. We head upstairs and pulls me o one of the rooms.

Once inside the room, he closes and locks the door. I walk backwards towards the bed, taking my shirt off and he sees I'm not wearing a bra. "Holy fuck." he says. "What are you gonna do Neron?" I ask. He walks over to me and crashes his lips with mine before picking me up and tossing me on the bed. He starts to undress as I finish undressing and he hovers over me. Entering me slowly, he makes love to me all night long. Once we find our release, he says "I love you Luna." I look up at him and he's looking up at the ceiling. "I love you too Neron." I lean up and look at him and he says "You're my world baby. I don't ever want you to doubt that." I smile at him and say "I know I'm still having some issues but baby you are doing everything to reassure me that you love me and want me. I'm completely grateful for you. I promise I'll get there baby. I promise." I tell him. Kissing me deeply he says "I know baby."

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