Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Standing up from beside my late husband's grave, I kiss my fingers and touch his stone one last time. "I need this new start. Please don't hate me." I whisper as I walk away from this grave and head to my car and to my new life. Leaving Georgia, where I have spent most of my life, I head out to Santa Padre, California to live with my brother in the hopes of a fresh start. Pulling away from the cemetery, I know this is what I need to do. Picking up my phone, I call my brother. "Hello?" he answers. "Hey Gilly. I just wanted to tell you I was heading out. Had to say goodbye first." I tell him. "You okay Luna?" he asks. "I will be. I need this Gil." I say. "I know sis." he says. "Are you sure you're okay with me moving out there?" I ask. "Hell yeah. I have you a dorm set up at the clubhouse and Bishop said you could work in the office and help Chucky so you got a roof and a job waiting on you." he tells me. "Thanks for this brother. You know I love you right?" I ask. "Love you too sis. Just be careful and check in every few hours and let me know you're okay." he says. "I will." I say and we end the call. I start driving and make it all the way to just across the Texas state line before finding a motel for the night. Picking up my phone I call Gilly. "Hey brother." I say when he answers. "Where are you?" he asks. "Just crossed the Texas state line. Found a room for the night. Should be there about this time tomorrow if everything goes well." I tell him. "Good. How are you holding up?" he asks. "I'm okay. Been concentrating on the trip." I tell him. "Okay, well get some sleep and call me when you head out in the morning." he tells me. I agree and end the call. Getting a shower, I head to bed and fall right to sleep.

Waking up the next morning, I get my things together and head out. Calling Gilly, I tell him I am heading out and will see him soon. I make it to the address he gave me around six that evening and call him right before I get to the gates. There is a guy standing there to open the gate when I get there and I see him get on his bike and ride behind me to get back to the clubhouse. Pulling up, my brother is standing there waiting on me. I get out of the car and he walks over to me and pulls me into a hug and the tears start to fall. "You made it." he tells me. "God I missed you." I tell him. "I missed you too sis." he says before pulling away from me. "Prospect, can you get her bags and park her car in one of the bays so I can check it out tomorrow? Take her things to her dorm." he says and the prospect says "Got it." before I hand him the keys and he does as he's asked. "Let's head inside to meet everyone." he tells me and I nod.

Walking into the clubhouse with Gilly, everyone turns to look at us and start walking over. "Pres, this is my sister Luna. Sis, this is my Pres, Bishop." Gilly says. "Welcome Sweetheart." he tells me. "Thank you and thanks for helping me." I say. "You're family. It was never a question." another man says. "Luna, this is Riz, Taza, Hank, Angel, Coco, and Creeper." he tells me. "Nice to meet you guys." I say and they all come and shake my hand and welcome me. Gilly and I walk to the bar and there's a man behind the bar with freaky hands. "Chucky, this is my sister Luna. Can you get her a plate?" Gilly says and Chucky nods and says "Welcome Princessa." I smile softly and he goes to do what he was asked. "We'll let you get settled in a couple of days and rest before you start working in the office. Let you get to know everyone a little." Bishop says and I say "You all don't know how much this all means to me." and my eyes tear up a little. "Sorry." I say and my brother pulls me into his side. "Gilly said you're from Georgia. What made you leave?" Angel asks. "I lost my husband a little over a year ago and decided I needed a fresh start. Time to move on. Gilly made me realize that just because his life stopped doesn't mean mine did." I say and they all smile. "Well, you have an entire clubhouse full of family to help you get started. Whatever you need you tell us." Hank says. "Thanks again." I say. Chucky walks out with a plate of empanadas. "Your brother said this was your favorite." Chucky says. "Thank you Chucky." I say as I take a bite and my eyes roll into the back of my head. "They were never this good in Georgia." I moan and the guys start laughing.

A little later, we are all sitting around and we're talking and I see Creeper's arm in a sling. I hear Gilly, Angel and Coco standing to the side with the Prospect and they are speaking in Spanish and I see Creeper watching them and can tell he can't understand them. I hear what they say and look at Gilly and say "Excuse me? You said what?" Gilly looks at me and knows that look. He knows he's in trouble. "Please tell me you guys didn't." I say and they all look at me confused. "Just because Creeper doesn't understand Spanish doesn't mean I don't. You should all be ashamed." I say. I look at Creeper and ask "Creeper, what's your favorite dessert?" He looks at me confused and says "Peach Cobbler. Why?" I stand up and say "I'm going to make you some." Angel looks and says "That sounds good Chica." I look at him and say "You guys don't get any. Only Creeper." I say. "Why only him?" Coco asks. Gilly says "Because we're in trouble. She only makes her famous desserts for special occasions like Christmas or your birthday. She's punishing us and gonna let him eat it in front of us." Gilly says and I say "Serves you all right." Creeper looks at me and asks "What did they say?" I look at him and say "Said they told the doctor to give you a sex change and make the lips pretty and soft like Coco's mama. Which is kinda odd that he knows what hers are like." I say before heading to the kitchen.

A little later, I bring out the entire cobbler for him with a spoon and he digs in. Angel goes to get up to leave and Gilly says "Dude, you better sit down. She's not above beating your ass." Angel sits back down when I look at him. We hear laughing over to the side and see Bishop standing there with Hank laughing. "Princessa you stay here as long as you want." After Creeper finishes off the cobbler, I take the dish to the kitchen to wash. He follows me in there. "You didn't have to do that." he tells me. "I know." I say before going back to washing the dishes. "Thank you. They like to pick on me because I don't know Spanish." he says. "Guess I'll have to teach you. Just don't let them know." I tell him. "You got it Princess." he says before kissing my cheek and walking out to the main room.

Later that night, I walk over to the guys and say "I think I'm gonna call it a night." Kissing my brother's cheek, I say good night and head to my dorm. Laying down on the bed, I feel my eyes get heavy before they finally close and I finally pass out from the exhaustion.

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