Chapter 9

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Dawn is walking up the stairs to Darren's room.

Dawn's pov

Knock! Knock! I slowly opened Darren's door.

Darren was laying there staring at, actually I don't know what he's staring at.

"Darren" I called setting his food down on his bedside table lamp.

"Mm?" He said

"Time to eat" I said handing over the food.

" This is good."

"Thanks, your mom cooked it."

After eating,Darren started to get better so he asked to watch a movie and we picked a movie.

I crawled in next to Darren on his bed.

"What are you doing?" He asked

"Watching a movie, on the bed. Do you really expect me to sit on the ground?" I said

Darren just chuckled and scooted over to make space. I crawled under the blankets with him.

--------After the movie----------

I took Darren's temperature and his fever has went down.

At about 8 his parents came home and told me I could go home and they'll take care of Darren.

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