Chapter Twenty

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Danielle's POV

I fix a wrinkle in my skirt and quickly fluff up my hair.

"You look amazing!" Skylar tells me as we wait behind the doors.

"Thanks," I smile at her. "Do you think Liam will think so too?"

"Danielle," she says,"I have listened to him talk about how effortlessly beautiful you are. He said your the only girl in the world who can try to look horrible but still looks beautiful."

I smile as the music begins play.

"That's our cue," I say.

I had asked Skylar to walk me down the isle because i know my dad would have fallen apart at the end of the isle.

The doors open to reveal the small crowd.

Skylar and I link arms and I walk down the isle with the biggest smile in the world.

Liam's POV

I look around the small crowd. We didn't invite many people. Danielle and I didn't want many people to come, mostly because of paparazzi. We had all of our relatives and close friends but that was about it. Skylar was the only brides maid for Danielle and I had the guys as my groomsmen.

I look around and spot the empty seat in the front row.

It's where Mum had sat. Skylar insisted that we leave one chair for her in her memory and I had to agree.

Skylar was in charge of all decorations and she did a great job. Purple lace was hung over the seats and on the ceiling.

There was an arch over me and where Danielle would be standing in a few minutes. It was covered in purple flowers. It's safe to say the theme of the wedding was purple.

I shift back on forth on my feet.

"Relax, lad," Louis whispers to me.

"Is it that obvious that I'm nervous?" I ask, fixing my tie.

"Yes," all four of the boys say in unison.

I laugh nervously as the music begins to play.

The doors at the back of the small room open to reveal the two most important women in my life.

My fiancee and my little sister.

They float down the isle together, arm in arm. Danielle in her sparkly white wedding dress and Skylar in her purple maid or honor gown.

I smile as Skylar hands off Danielle to me.

"Take care of my little, I'm watching you," she whispers to me, imitating a dad, with a smile and a wink.

Skylar walks over to the boys and stands next to Niall.

The pastor begins the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together Liam Payne and Danielle Peazer in holy matrimony..."


"Congrats!" Skylar screams as she runs towards me and Danielle.

She crashes into us with a huge hug.

"Thanks Geek," I say with a smirk.

She makes a face then starts talking to Danielle. A few minutes later they disappear into the crowd on the dance floor to dance to the Cupid Shuffle.

"There's our little married boy!" Zayn yells out as he walks towards me with the rest of the boys.

"Hey guys," I say.

"Wow, Skylar did a really good job arranging all of this," Louis says, looking around at all the decorations.

There was a huge dance floor in the middle of the room. All around it were tables with purple table clothes and white flower petals scattered all of it. To the right was a huge buffett(with a chocolate fountain!) and to the left was a tribute to Mum and the wedding cake.

"I know! Niall, when you marry Skylar, you don't have to worry about decorations!" Harry says, recieving a punch from Niall.

"It's true!" Harry yells.

I give Niall a look and he blushes.

Skylar's POV

Right, right, right, right. Left, left, left, left. Kick right, kick left, kick right, kick left. LIAM!

I trip my brother as I kick out during the Cupid Shuffle and smirk at him.

He stands next to Danielle and joins in on the dance.

Niall files in next to me and starts dancing and soon enough all the boys are out on the dance floor.

"I'll be back," Niall says to be as the song ends and he disappears.

I wait a minute and then my favorite song "God Bless the Broken Road" comes on.

Niall walks back with a smirk on his face as he wraps his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck. We slowly sway to the music.

"You did a great job on this wedding," he says.

"Thanks. It was fun planning it."

"Then I guess you've got our wedding planned," he smiless at me.

"Yeah, I do," I smile back.

Niall's POV

"Sucks that you can't go on a honeymoon," I say to Liam as we carry in the two sleeping girls.

"Yeah, but Danielle said she'd rather stay here and enjoy the relaxation then go on an expensive trip for three days and be rushed," he says.

We walk into the house and I head to Skylar's room.

I lay her down and  tuck the covers over her. I kiss Skylar's forehead then head to the kitchen for food(duh).

I open the fridge, grab some pizza, and sit down as Liam walks in.

"Let me see it," he says.

"What?" I ask with a mouthful of food.

"You know what I mean. Let me see it," he says again.


I reach into my pocket and pull out the small box.

I open it to reveal the diamond ring.

"It's beautiful, Skylar has to say yes," Liam says.


Gasp! Cliffhanger! Muwahahaha!

Anyway, just thought I'd thank you guys for over 1,000 reads! It really means a lot!

So there is only one more chapter left and an epiloge left!!!! AHHH! But I'll have another book coming out soon! Yay! Ok, see ya next chapter :D xoxo~A

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