Chapter 14: The Dinner

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"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Josie was worried. "I mean Lizzie we know you and Hpope can't really keep your hands to yourselves." Penelope chuckled at Josie's remark.

"Hey!!!!" Hope defended herself. "I think we can last a few hours right Lizzie?"

"Hmmmm I guess we will wait and see." She responded. Hope rolled her eyes.

"Shall we?" Penelope asked. It was already 6:30. It seemed like every girl was nervous except for Penelope. Josie was so surprised at how Penelope never seemed nervous no matter what was going on. This girl was freaking tough and Josie loved it. Every moment with Penelope was a dream and that's why she was always hesitant. She didn't want this dream to end.


All 4 girls arrived at the dinning room at around 6:45. Alaric was thrilled to meet his daughters new friends. The twins had always had friends but these ones were closer. Oh but he had no idea how close.

"Ladies! I'm so glad you all could make it tonight! Hope, Penelope, it's so great to see you girls again. Penelope I'm glad to see that you are fitting in nicely here."

"Oh she's fitting in alright." Lizzie muttered. Hope stomped on her foot and Lizzie grunted and smiled at her father. He raised an eyebrow but moved on anyways.

"I made the twins favorite, Chicken Alfredo."

"Yay!" Both twins said in unison. Hope and Penelope gave each other and 'wtf' look and just smiled at them in return.

They all sat down at the table and started to eat.

"So do you two have boyfriends here at the school?" Alaric gestured towards Hope and Penelope. Lizzie and Josie both choked on their water. Hope and Penelope were laughing.

"Dad! Don't you think that's a little personal." She grunted through closed teeth.

"What??? I'm just trying to get to know them!" He rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Hahaha no boyfriends sir." Hope said back and Penelope nodded.

"Ahhhh. Well now you guys are at that age that you might have one soon. I know Josie has never had one. Lizzie dated that one wolf guy though, Jed I think. Man they were inseparab—"

"Mmm okay I think that's enough dad!" Lizzie have shouted and laughed. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Hope's blank expression. Hope just came to the school about 5 months ago. Lizzie and Jed broke up about 6 months ago so she didn't know. There was a rumor that Landon, the school's Phoenix, and Hope we're together but apparently that was just a rumor.

"Moving on...... Dad how is the Spring Formal planning going?" She diverted.

The Spring Formal was the annual dance that every kid at the Salvatore school looked forward too. Lizzie always loved planning the dance. She usual chose the theme. This formal was one of her favorite things. Josie couldn't say the same. She was antisocial and didn't even like to dance. Correction, she liked to dance, she just never had anyone to dance with. I guess, until now.

"Ah that reminds me the board wants to see you about that. You need to help choose a theme."

"Okay thanks I'll see them before school on Monday." Lizzie responded.

"Are girls going to the formal?" Alaric asked Hope and Penelope.

"I'm going." Hope said

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