Chapter 24: The Gate

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Lizzie and Josie made there way upstairs. Josie has a few scraps and bruises but other than that she was fine. She just needed to find Penelope and make sure she was fine as well. Her head was pounding but she ignored it.

"Josie what happened!?"

Josie was embraced by Hope. Josie shook her head.

"I was stupid and I went into the cage."

"You did what!?" Alaric stepped into the conversation. He was not happy.

"Listen dad I don't want to hear it. I know. Now let's just go find my girlfriend please!" Josie snapped.

Everyone just nodded and walked out of the school's front doors. Students and faculty had been placed on ever exit/entrance of the schools surrounding border.

"Look she couldn't of gone far. Here look everyone take a radio and split up she couldn't of gone far." Alaric said and Everyone dispersed. Josie worried it might be too late.


She turned around to see her father holding something out to her. It was the keys to the gates.

"Look everyone here knows I have to keys. Which means that Penelope will probably come after me. Penelope won't hurt you as much as she would hurt us. You give her a reason to fight so you need to have the keys."

Josie nodded. This wasn't a normal key. It was more of a knife. Anyone with this knife could walk through the barrier and open the gate. Josie slipped it into her pocket.


It had been about a half an hour and still no sight of Penelope. Josie and Alaric were checking the first floor of the school, Klaus was checking the second floor and Hope and Lizzie were outside.

Josie and Alaric has searched everywhere on the first floor.

"Well she's obviously not here." Josie was frustrated.

"You don't know that." Alaric tried to reassure her.

"No dad I do. You stay here I'm going outside I have an idea."

Josie walked out of the brick boarding school and on to the patchy grass. It was dark out. Students were all along the gate, ready for battle. Josie made her way around the back of the school. She found Lizzie and Hope at the side of the school.

"Any luck?" Josie was out of breath.

"No. We are going to go check the garden now." Hope Responded.

"Okay just let me know if you find anything." Josie turned around to make her way around back again but a hand stopped her. It was Lizzie's.

"Hey. Be careful. She's be okay." Lizzie spoke softly.

All Josie could do was nod. She did not believe this at all. Since when do any of the students at the Salvatore school have any luck whatsoever. They don't. All she could do if give Lizzie a fake smile and walk away so that's exactly what she did.

She found a path that led to the woods and decided to walk it. She knew this was a pretty dumb idea to do this at 1 am but frankly she didn't care. She only had one thing on her mind. Penelope. Penelope loved this path.

This is the path that Penelope took Josie after the bonfire. This led to the lake.

When Josie finally reached the pond she saw someone sitting on the log.


"She can't hear you." A voice spoke from beyond Penelope, beyond the force field protecting the school. He was about 6 foot, blonde hair, very pale. His eyes were red and his cheeks were sharp. He wore a long chain around his neck with a pendant attached. The pendant was of a lion.

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