Part 7

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Manik is tensed but covers it up with a straight, determined face. He pulls out a chair and sits.

MANIK: There's something I want to talk about.

Trilok doesn't look at him. He is fully into those files spread out before him, checking and cross-checking figures, dates and clauses. The pen in his hand wiggles while he furiously jots down something.

Manik observes him and steals glances at the documents that Trilok is so obsessively engaged in. What could it be?

TRILOK: (eyes still on the docs) It's a good time. I've been waiting to discuss a couple of things with you.

Manik's face turns cold and clammy.

Trilok pauses his work. He reaches out for his drawer, quickly pulls out a printed letter and hands it over to Manik. He peers down at it. When he does, he turns pale. The title in bold reads – LETTER OF DISMISSAL.

The shock is powerful. His hold on the paper falters. Frantically, his eyes dart through the contents.

Dear Hemant,

We regret to inform you that your term of employment with TriCorp Group of Companies has come to an immediate end. Due to your violation of section 3 (a) i.e. Employee Code of Conduct, we have no choice but to end your employment with us.

Manik is relieved. It isn't for him.

MANIK: (looks up) What happened?

TRILOK: A lot.

Trilok stops his work, drops his pen onto the table and leans back onto his chair with a long sigh.

TRILOK: This morning, I walked in to the office to find Hemant at my door with a couple of other guys from the team.

Manik listens carefully.

TRILOK: Apparently, our dear friend Hemant thought that it would be a wonderful idea to instigate a protest by gathering up his colleagues, ganging up against his employer, cornering and threatening him to get their needs met. Interestingly, they had this notion that if they threatened to bring down this place, I would give in. TriCorp would give in. Wrong move, if you ask me.

Trilok pulls out a couple of files, places it before Manik.

TRILOK: Satish. Deshmukh. Vinit. Shaheer. Jassy. All five culprits along with Hemant to be dismissed with immediate effect.

MANIK: But what is the issue?

TRILOK: He wanted a raise. And so, did the others.

At his words, Manik's heart takes a lurch in his chest. He remembers his motives when he had marched into Trilok's office. His needs are similar. Perhaps even worse and much desperate than his subordinates. He wonders what to do with his issue.

Trilok is a man with no empathy or consideration for others. He is well known for the ruthless tactics he adopts to bring his opponents to their knees. Cutting off their life source is one. The same he adopted for Manik.

MANIK: A straight dismissal just for that? Why not talk about it?

TRILOK: Exactly. For every issue, there is a way to go about it - the professional way. Resorting to violence and insensible methods like the one they just pulled this morning will just earn a black mark for life. They complained about this job. Now they'll regret losing it. For a very long time. And going forward, the others too will think twice before being so impulsive.

Manik says nothing. He is quiet as he ponders over Trilok's warning. They complained about this job. Now they'll regret losing it. For a very long time. Is it possible that Trilok already knew Manik's intentions? Could this be his style of warning him?

Trilok is very influential with high-end connections. He has the power to shut all doors for life if he wishes to. Many of his unfortunate victims eventually ended up miserable and on the streets.

TRILOK: By the way, you wanted to talk to me about something.

Manik is startled out of his thoughts. He takes a minute to compose himself.

MANIK: Em. Nothing important.

Trilok returns a sarcastic sneer and stares for a moment longer into Manik's eyes.

TRILOK: Hmm. (a brief pause) You're a very hardworking guy, Manik. And I understand that occasionally you'd like to have some time for yourself. If this issue hadn't sprung up, trust me, I wouldn't have called you in.

Anger, embarrassment, helplessness and confusion floods into Manik's face and turns it a deep shade of red.

MANIK: It's alright.


Not that he cares!

And Manik knows it. This makes him even red in the face.

MANIK: Absolutely. (picks up the files, rises) I'll take care of this.

TRILOK: Great, thank you. I'll meet you post-lunch.

MANIK: Sure.

He exits Trilok's cabin. At the doorway, he bumps into an older suited gentleman.

MANIK: Sorry!

OLDER MAN: It's alright. I didn't see you either.

Manik smiles and walks past into the aisle.

The older man glances over his shoulder, takes a good look at him before entering Trilok's cabin.

In the distance, Manik spots the six culprits seated in the glass-walled conference room with faces that spelt doom.


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