Part 4

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When Manik finally comes around, it is...


He is fast asleep on the LIVING ROOM couch.

BEEP-BEEP. BEEP-BEEP. Messages begin to pour into his phone early in the AM.

He stirs in his sleep, groans and flips onto his side, pulling a thin blanket over him as he does. A Thin Blanket!

He quickly cocks his head up and runs his groggy eyes over the blanket. AND the mosquito repellent plugged into the switch board. As far as he can remember, he went to sleep without any of these!


A clock on the LIVING ROOM wall quietly ticks away. It is 3:00 AM.

The faint light from an orange shaded table lamp cuts through the darkness. It throws mysterious shadows across the walls and floors.

We see Nandini come out into the hall. She has a thin blanket and a mosquito repellent machine with her.

She sees Manik asleep on the couch and her face drops immediately. Even in his sleep, he looks stubborn, furious and sore. As if he wants the whole world to know about the grudge he has against her. He just has the bare necessities on – a black vest and the rich blue track pants. Nothing else. No pillows. No blankets. No nothing.

She quietly goes over to him and swats away the mosquitoes that hungrily swarmed around for his blood. Gently, she spreads the blanket over him and tucks it in carefully.

At her touch, Manik stirs in his sleep and cuddles onto her hand.

She is startled and almost snaps her hand away but stops in her tracks at the smile on his lips. He moans wearily and continues to snore while Nandini quietly watches him. The sadness on her face fades away and she breathes a sigh of relief. After all what had happened today, this little trace of softness from his side lightens the load off her shoulders.

Once she manages to pull herself free without waking him up, she plugs in the repellent and turns it on. She throws one last look at him before leaving the premises.


Manik sinks his head back onto the couch with a deep sigh. The harsh morning sun streams in through the blinds and falls onto his face, so he obscures his eyes and tries to sleep some more. But he is restless and fidgety.


"If in two years of marriage, NOTHING happens, then WHAT do you expect ME to do other than stick to my friends and gadgets?"

The visuals from his memory look dull and drab. Like a grainy old sepia film.

His own voice echoes as if from an eerie nightmare.

"I have nothing to look forward to in life! NOTHING!"

Nandini's shocked face swims before his eyes. With each word, everything drains out of her face. The blood, the colour, the life. Everything.

"In two years of married life, my friends made kids. I don't even have sex!"

"My life is so screwed up!"

"You made me feel like a DOG Nandini!"

"Any other guy in my place would have just walked out!"

He sees her stumble back from the blow but chooses to stomp out and SLAM the door behind him. HARD enough to make his point LOUD and clear.

He storms into the living room, pulls out his dress and flings it to wherever. From the way he changes into his vest and tracks, one would feel that he wants to take out his own fury on himself. Once done, he plops onto the couch and flips onto his side but cocks up his head to listen as Nandini's sobs come floating out into the living room.

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