Part 1

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A clock ticks away on the soft hued pastel wall. It's 9:30 PM.

We find Nandini sitting up in bed with her back against the wall and her knees drawn up to her chest. Her chin trembles and her nostrils flare as she stares at the time with longing. She has the look of someone who had just been let down. Terribly.

Her cell phone rings just in time to distract her. She pulls herself together and answers it.

NANDINI: (in a depressed tone) Hello?

A female voice on the other end bursts in gleefully.

CALLER: Hello girlie! Wish you a happy! Happy! Happy birthday!

That just makes her even more emotional!

NANDINI: (tries to sound excited) Thank you so much Navya.

NAVYA: That's it? (mimics her) A dull thank you so much? Really? Why so glum?

NANDINI: Me? No. (chuckles) I'm fine.

NAVYA: Really? You sure don't sound like it.

NANDINI: (sighs) I am Navya. Trust me. It's just that I'm... a little bit tired.

NAVYA: Tired!!! Why tired? You're supposed to be up and jumping. It's your birthday girlie!

NANDINI: Yeah, I know. But---

NAVYA: But what?

Nandini's eyes dart back and forth. She is dying to scream out the naked truth to the entire world. Her mind boils over with protest. But...

NANDINI: (an obvious lie) Erm. Well. It's just that I was getting dressed. We're going out you see.

NAVYA: Oh! Oh! Okay! Fine-fine. I'll hang up then. Drop me a message whenever you're free.

NANDINI: Sure. Will do.

NAVYA: Alright then. You guys have fun!

NANDINI: Thanks, Navya.

NAVYA: Byeeee. Good night.

NANDINI: Good night.

Nandini hangs up and leans back. Her eyes are lost on the flowery bed sheet and her hands wring the phone.



Nandini is at the dressing table. She sits on a tiny stool and brushes her luscious hair. She seems all set and dressed for some occasion. The excited glow on her face tell us that it's a very special day.

Just then, the doorbell rings. She hears it being answered. Excited bellows and laughter follow.

NANDINI: (whispers) Wonder who it is?

She finishes up quickly when Manik walks into the room, comes up from behind her and rests his hands on her shoulders. Unlike Nandini, he's still in a t-shirt and pyjamas.

MANIK: Hey. Listen. Erm. I need to go out now. (pauses) Alone.

Nandini's smile drops.

NANDINI: What? Now? But where? I thought that we were going out.

MANIK: Yeah, but... You see. My old friends just dropped in. (Manik grows uncomfortable by the minute as Nandini's face darkens with disappointment) And you know... I wish I can say no. But... they've come to meet me after so many years. And... you know... Hope you understand.

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