I need your support!

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"Back again after your hiatus? So when're you disappearing again?"

I know! I kind of promised that I'll be back in a week or so, but it wasn't until I double-checked that I realized I'd been gone for 4 months! Trust me; I didn't even realize that it's been that long. To be honest, my inner clock is still stuck in the last week of Jan. Has anyone else experienced this, or is it just me?

For so long, I'd been shuttling on and off this story, somehow wanting to get done with it, but circumstances haven't unfortunately been in my favor.

I was really bogged down with an ambitious film project I'd worked my ass off on for years. My team and I faced obstacles, one after the other, yet, we fought through it all, and we nearly got funded by a major investor/studio in the market when the pandemic struck.

There it goes down the drain...

I don't even know how to feel anymore. It's been a vicious cycle of getting hit, falling down, grieving, picking ourselves up and moving on once again, somewhere believing that success is around the corner. So much of effort and courage have been put in, but, sometimes I wonder, 'will this dream ever become a reality?'

This project has drained me emotionally, physically and financially. We still have a long way to go, I don't know how long, but I believe that someday we'll be there. Please send me your prayers and good wishes. Need tons of 'em!

In addition to all this, I'm also a normal everyday woman and a homemaker. A lot of my time and energy goes into taking care of the family, and of course, there's one of the best feelings in the world – spending time with your loved ones.

However, one thing that really depresses me is how I'm unable to pursue my lifelong passion of writing fictions amidst all of this. I keep shuttling from one thing to the other, doing things that don't interest me at all, doing anything that will help sustain us financially, but it hasn't been too fruitful.

Hence, I'm taking this opportunity to ask for your support.

I have an account with Patreon. For those of you who're new to Patreon, it's a platform that lets you financially support and reward your favorite creative artists, writers, content creators, etc. through a monthly subscription.​

Through Patreon, with your love and generous support, I'll be able to sustain myself while focusing on and pursuing my ambition of being a full-time writer & filmmaker while giving you what you love - good, quality stories & content that's meant to create a beautiful and lasting experience.

​In the end, I really have no words to thank & appreciate you all for the love showered on my works so far, and I look forward to your continued support. From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much.

To visit my Patreon page, please follow the link in my Wattpad profile.

P.S. 'Let's Make A Night To Remember' will start off on Patreon as 'All The Little Things'. You can expect a prologue, lots of new scenes and a rollercoaster of emotions! I look forward to seeing you there.

Much Love,

Archana Vinod

Let's Make A Night To RememberDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora