Meeting Sebastian and Clint

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July 5th

The next morning, I got up to find a letter from Mrs. X on taped to the door:

Dear Nanny,

I know it is Sunday, and you requested the day off, but I desperately need to sleep in. I have a very long day today tasting caterers for our benefit, "Conga for the Congo." Please don't wake me unless Mr. X calls from Chicago. And most importantly, find a way to keep the boy quiet.

"Why don't they just muzzle the kid already?" I mumbled.

"What's a muzzle?" Grayer asked behind me.

"Oh, it's nothing. Um, why don't you get dressed, and I will take you and Scarlett out to do something fun today."

"Okay!" He yelled and ran back to his room, to get dressed.

I didn't bother to read the rest of the letter. He wouldn't be going to anything she suggested any way. I sat it back on the table, and headed for Scarlett. I walked in to see her just lying there smiling and playing with a toy. I walked up to her crib and leaned over it. "Hi, baby girl. Are you ready for a fun day?"

I picked her up, and held her to me. She started babbling as I laid her down to change her. Grayer walked in to the room.

"Okay, I'm ready. Where are we going?" He asked.

I turned to him, "Well, we are going to meet some family of mine, and we are going to join them for breakfast and going to the museum."

"Alright, do you need help?"

"Sure can you get her diaper bag ready? And let's not forget the paci this time, okay?"

"Yes, ma'am."

I smiled at him then turned back around to finish Scarlett. "There you go pretty girl."

"Ah!" she yelled.

I picked her up, and tickled her stomach, "What are you screaming about, girlie?"

She giggled, and then started babbling again. I grabbed their jackets just in case, texted Clint with our plans, and we headed for the dinner where we were going to have breakfast.

Before we opened the door to the dinner, I looked in to see my son working on homework, and my husband behind the counter cooking.

"Grayer, can you get the door for me buddy?" I asked.

He ran ahead and pulled it open. The door bells jingled, and Sebastian looked up. He got a giant smile on his face. I pushed the stroller in, and smiled back at him.

"Momma!" he yelled while jumping off the bar stool.

He ran up to me, and hugged me tightly around the waist. I hugged him back and kissed the top of his head. "Oh, my! If I knew I was going to get this reaction I would've come sooner." I said laughing.

"Momma!" he said giggling.

"Momma?" I heard Grayer ask.

I spun around with Sebastian still attached to me. "Yes," I bent down to be the same height as him and Sebastian. "Yes, Grayer I would like to introduce you to my son, Sebastian. Sebastian this is Grayer and the little girl is Scarlett."

"Hi, Grayer. Has my mom been looking after you well?" Sebastian asked.

"Ugh, yea. I didn't know you had a son." Grayer said looking at me.

"Well, I couldn't tell you before because you didn't like me. But know I thought we were good enough friends that I could share my family with you. I've told Sebastian all about you, and he really wants to become your friend, is that okay?" I said to him.

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