A Day Before the Accident - 1

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Jake's POV

       I hear the buzz of my alarm and roll over and turn it off. I turn over to see emptiness beside me. I rub my eyes and sit up slowly. I look to the doorway to see Amy standing there in my New York Mets hoodie. It almost droops down to her knees.
     I smile and she runs and jumps onto the bed. I embrace her in my chest and roll us onto the side. She laughs and runs her hands though my hair. I look into her beautiful brown eyes, and it never fails. The corners of my mouth turn up and my mouth drops open a little bit.
      "How am I so lucky to have you here with me." I say as her hair falls onto the sides of my face. "That's the question I ask myself everyday." Amy said while I pulled her closer to me. I slowly move her hair away from her face and tuck it behind her her ear.
       She blissfully smiles at me and brings her head into mine. She closes her eyes and I feel her eyelashes flutter against my cheeks. I cup her face in mine and softly press my lips on hers.
     I feel her mouth curl into a smile, but she keeps them on mine. Her hand falls over my side and squeezes my back. I just gently stroke her cheek. We stay that way for a while.
     I was the first to pull back but I let her cuddle into me. I just smile knowing that my entire world was in my arms. I break the silence. "I never want this moment to end." "Neither do I." She responds.
I feel her soft breath pricking on my chest, and I can't help but smile. "What if we just stayed here forever?" I say. "We would be late to work." Amy says and sits up.
I groan and she laughs. "C'mon sleepy let's get going." She says and plants a kiss on my cheek. She gets up from the bed and walks into the bathroom to change.
I go to the kitchen to make us coffee while she gets ready. I put bagels into the toaster and turn on the stove to make eggs.
Just as I finish Amy walks in dressed and ready for the day. "I don't understand how you look so goddamn beautiful at 7 am in the morning." She chuckles and comes over and droops her arms around my neck. "Thanks babe."
I go to the room to get dressed after we eat. I come back out once I'm done to see Amy doing a crossword puzzle she didn't get to finish the night before. "This ones a pain! I can't figure out 7 down or across!" I just stare at her. I can't wrap my mind around how much I love her.
The clock is almost at 8, so we decided to get going. I drive and she picks the radio. 'Heartbeats' by José Gonzáles starts to play and we both sigh at the same time.
This song was on the radio on our first date, and we have been listening to it ever since. I feel Amy place her hand on my thigh, and I move mine on top of hers.
We arrive at the precinct a few minutes before the rest of the squad does. We walk in and place our stuff down. She gives me a peck on my lips before she sits down to start planning out her day.
Holt walks into the bullpen and greets us both good mornings. He goes into his office. The rest of the squad starts to come in. First Terry, Hitchcock and Skully, Charles, Rosa, who decided to sneak up and scare me this morning. Amy found it hilarious and gave Rosa a high five.
And of course Gina comes in late as usual. I could tell that today was just going to be a good one.
Holt calls us into the briefing room and gives us information about a new task force that the commissioner has assigned our precinct.
"This task force has been going on for the past year and and half at the Seven-Four, but they decided that maybe a new set of detectives would lead them to shut down Kyle Hamilton's whole system of illegal weapon trade."
Amy raises her hand, "Do they have someone on the inside?" Holt clicks his button for the power point at the front of the room and it flips to a guy who looked familiar.
"Miles Scott. A detective from the 74 who has and still is undercover as the name of 'Nathan Hale'. He has been discovering secrets for the past three months that has really helped the task force."
"I think I remember that dude." Rosa says from her spot. "Yeah, me too." Charles agrees with her. The rest of the room agrees.
Holt has an answer, as always. "Yes, he used to work on the first floor here until he was transferred." Everyone oh's and remembers him.
"Damn didn't realize that until now." Rosa says bluntly. Then I ask my question, "Is there any new leads we need to hop on to? I actually have closed all my recent cases, so I'm pretty anxious to get more."
Holts face turns from serious to even more serious. "I was about to get to that."
I immediately jump up, "I knew something before Holt!" The whole room laughs. I sit down and Amy just giggles and shakes her head at me.
"Continuing, there is this one meetup that Scott has been preparing for the past month, and it's going down tomorrow. He says that it might be the biggest one they have ever had. If we can bust this, we are going to be able to take down the rest easily."
The room seems to get a nervous vibe. "Yes, I know that this is very late news, but we have all the backup and planning we need. The 74, 68, and 83 are going to be invading the hotel with us—"
"Wait, hotel?" Charles asked, cutting holt off. "I was just going to elaborate on that." He walks down the row of desks and hands each of us a manilla file.
I flip though it and examine everything thoroughly. "It is the Abandoned hotel off of Renner, that has yet to be torn down. Scott knows for a fact that Hamilton is going to be there, along with his main crew and one of the biggest trade of weapons."
He gives us all a minute to scan the file. "I want each of you to dedicate your day to memorizing everything in this folder, especially the layout of the building. Scott is not sure where all the men are going to be, so we need to be prepared for them to be anywhere in this location. Get to know the people and how they act if you need to get in a situation to talk them out of something, or if two are trying to escape from you, which one is more important to stop."
I look over at Amy and already see her starting to makes notes and highlight things. "This is your number one priority today and tomorrow. You all understand?" Holt says sternly and the whole room nods. "Dismissed."

Amy's POV

The day is coming to an end, and I have about looked at every angle in this bust, but for some reason I was scared. I never get like this on bust, but to say the least I've never been involved in one this big before.
I was looking up at Jake more usually than I normally do, but he looked just fine, honestly he looked hyped for this bust. I could understand why.
It's now 10pm and we are off work. Everyone decided not to go out for drinks so we could have all our energy for tomorrow. Jake and I walk out. When we get on the elevator he slips his hand around my waist and I rest my head on his shoulder.
"Long day." I sigh. "Long, but good." We get to the car and he starts to drive off. I put the music on quietly and stare out the window. I don't talk much and Jake notices.
"You ok Ames?" He asked intertwining his fingers with mine. "Yeah, I'm just a little scared for tomorrow that's all." He pulls into the parking lot. "I completely understand. Let's talk about it when we get inside." I nod and get out of the car.
He was already over to my side. I sling my arms around his neck and he lifts me up. I burrow my face into his neck and hear him laugh.
We get to the apartment room and he lays me down with him on the couch. "Wanna talk about it now?" He says as I lift my head from his neck. "Let's get ready for bed, then let's talk."
Lucky we had already had dinner, Gina was in a great mood today and she bought the squad Chinese for dinner. I went to shower and once I was done Jake showered as well.
I put on the news from this morning and turn it down so it's in the background. I got chilly and put on Jakes huge hoodie. I immediately feel warmer.
I lay down in bed waiting for Jake to join me. He walks out with shorts and a T-shirt on. His little curls fall into his eyes, and I just admire how much I love him.
I turn off the TV as he lays down. He holds out his arms and I get all cozy in his upper body. He pulls the sheets up to cover most of our bodies.
I place my hand on his collar bone and gently rub it. He plays with my hair which always makes me a little bit tired, but very happy.
All the lights were out besides the cracked open door to the light in the bathroom because we both are terrified to sleep in complete darkness.
"Wanna talk about it?" I whisper. "Yes. I would love to start." I chuckle and let him talk. "I'm actually very excited for this bust. I haven't had something this big happen for years, and I really need some die hard action. I know we are going to be able to do this, we are the 99th precinct! We can do anything!" He says with enthusiasm.
"But I am a bit scared. I don't want anything to happen to anyone on any force but especially you. I swear if I even see a criminal try and get near you, I'll send them back to whatever hell they came from." My heart fluttered a bit when he said that. I squeezed him a bit and felt my eyes start to water.
"Jake, I love you so much." I say. "I know." He says and lays kisses on my head. "Ok, now my turn. I'm more nervous than excited. I've never been involved in something this big. I know I'm only thinking of the bad things, but I can't stop them from flooding my brain. If you got hurt, I wouldn't be able to live with myself Jake," I start to cry, but Jake just runs his hands up and down my back letting me talk. "I-I love you so much-and I couldn't-go though with losing you! What if you get hurt-or worse!"
I start to break down. I don't know why so many bad thoughts entered my mind but I couldn't stop them. I look up at Jake and cup my hands on his face, looking into his almost completely invisible face, but I know he's staring right back at me.
He wipes my tears from my face which helps me calm down. "None of that is going to happen babe. I'm never going to leave you. I couldn't stand having you in pain." I nod and he hugs me.
My crying just turns into slow deep breaths, but it helps. "We are going to get through tomorrow ok? Right next to each other." I don't have to respond, he knows I agree with him. We now lay completely on our backs but Jake still is holding onto me.
"I love you." I quietly say. "I love you more than anything Amy Santiago." I smile and close my eyes, falling asleep in my soulmates arms.

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