Chapter 4~ Little Girl

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Himiko POV

                     KOKICHI OUMA??????!!!!?

I screamed.

I tackled her.

"Take me there! You have to take me to him!" I started screaming.

She showed a face of fear and shock, but at the same time sympathy and pity. "O-ok..." She showed a face that knew I wasn't joking.

Hours later.

We arrived at this huge asylum. It looked abandon.

We entered. Mukuro stayed back though with D.I.C.E. wonder how long that'll last.

I quickly pit my game face on about to get Kokichi back!

Creak. Creak. THUD!

We all looked behind us. It was a body. Kiyo's body.

We all gasped.

"Well......well......well. Looky what we have here? Humans....? Weak." We looked up to see a small figure sitting on a platform that hanged on the ceiling like a swing. A swinging platform. The figure had fluffy purple ears and tail. The tail could've wrapped aground their entire body. Their large purple eyes looked down on us. Wait...."KOKICHI?!??" I screamed. Shocked.

He jumped down landing on all fours. He looked like a neko.
A monster.
But a cute one!
He had blood on his hand, cheek, teeth, and clothes. But I didn't care!
I ran towards him hugging him. I felt him wrap his arms around me as well. Soon, we all (except Maki) had hugged him.
"Kiyo. That blood belongs to Kiyo." Maki said coldy. "Correct, Maki Roll~" Kokichi sounded a bit seducing when he said her nickname.
We all gasped, looking back at Kiyo, and noticing he was covered in skin deep bite marks, his own blood, bruises, scars, scratches, dirt, and above all on his neck wrote "DESPAIR".
"So? Ya still miss me? Missy mage? Nishishi~" he giggled. I just stared at him. Shocked. Sad. But not fear. My eyes filled with love and longing to be with him again..alone in the dorms. Together.

"Y-you...." Shuichi along with everyone else was backing away except me.

Kokichi POV





Her fear.

Her fear displeases me.

This is all for her!

She has to love me!

After the lives I ended for her, she should know I still love her!

So why is she scared?!


I'm a monster.

I placed my knees on the floor. Then, I placed my elbows and hands on the floor. My tail as well laid on the floor. My ears flat on my head. I looked down at the floor. I was doing a bow that begs for forgiveness. (I just made that bow up.) A bow that actually shows sorrow and a sign for forgiveness. "Please.... don't hate me. Please... Forgive me..he wanted to hurt you...I couldn't bear to see him touch you. He deserves this! Please...give me your forgiveness.." I pleaed her, my little mage, Himiko.
I expected her to yell  at me, hell, even hit me! But...she didn't. Instead, she placed her hand on my chin, pulling me out of my position, raising me to my feet, all the way to her face. I felt her place her soft lips on my cold ones. A kiss....? I thought to myself, kissing back. I felt some type if chill run down my body. We pulled away, and I swore on my life that I saw glowing lights above us.
I looked over at were the others were, but.. they weren't there. Actually, WE weren't there!
I suddenly realized what it was, and turned to Himiko and explained what it was.


"Hey Kokichi! I have something to tell ya about!" Junko yelled running towards me, "Ya?" I asked clearly curious.
"Did ya know that a human and a monster can create magic together?" She asked, "No, how?"
"Well, they have to be in deep love. Their magic is stronger than you could ever imagine! They become the bird that shares it's wing. Like lovers, they shall always love each other. And, they get these lights of magic above them that is like a combination! It means their love shall never disappear, even if one isn't human! It truly is magic if you think about it. But, they learn about their magic and one day. They are known to become the rulers of monsters.!" She explained.

~end of flashback~

"I saw the lights!" I said, "Me too! That means we must've used magic." She muttered.

Bout an hour and five minutes later we all make it back.



                       My little mage..

Magic in his lies ( Himko Yumeno x Kokichi ouma) (Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now