Chapter l~Just give me a reason

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Himiko Yumeno, The Ultimate Mage P.O.V.

March 26, 2019.

Hope's Peak Academy.


"Good morning you basterds! Time to get up!" Yelled Monokid, "Monokid stop being so loud!" Monophanie suggested. Monokid then started to hit her, she then used her arms to sheild her beared face. She then got him to stop by hitting his head, "Anyway, every one of you basterds get up out of your- OW! STOP HITTING ME MONOKID!- beds!" She shouted, then the screen turned black once again.

I got dressed and opened the door to see Tenko yelling at the one and only Kokichi.

"Your degenerate male! Classic behavior of a male to but into a girl without being sorry!" She shouted at him, I then noticed that Kirumi was a on the floor and soon stood cuffing her hands softly on her chest and pitting a soft smile on her face. "It's alright Tenko, he didn't mean to and I was being carless of were I was going." She said in a gentle and clam voice. "Fine! But if this degenerate male bothers you anymore, let me know and I'll give him my Neo-Aikido!" She shouted before noticing me, "Himiko good morning!" Kokichi then walked away, but, something was different about him. Oh well!

We opened to door to the dinning hall and walked in. Kiriumi had made us all a wonderful breakfast!

We all sat down and started talking while we ate. "Hey Maki roll and I have something to tell you guys!" Kaito shouted, oh great he's yelling what a pain. Maki started to blush as we looked at them in curiosity. "We're dating!" Kaito yelled, we all congratulationed them, expect for Kokichi. "Congratulations! Oh, hey, Kokichi are you alright?" Kaede asked Kokichi in a worried tone. We all looked at Kokichi expecting him to say something rude or lie to us. But, he just simply nodded as his air covered his eyes. Junko and Mikan then walked in and Mikan looked over at Kokichi with a worried expression. "Oh Kokichi.." she whispered. He then stood up and left the room silently. "Is Kokichi ok? Gonta worried about him" Gonta said sweetly, but I noticed something. Mikan and Junko, Celestia, Kiriumi, Rantaro, Komenda, and toko all looked at each other with sad eyes, I think they knew something was up.

We all went to class later on, but all I could focus on was Kokichi staring blankly out the window, I didn't even fall asleep. He just seemed.. different.
I was awoken from my day dream by the Bell. I grabbed all my stuff and walked over to Kokichi, "Hey Kokichi? Do you want to hang out on the roof?" I asked him nicely, he just nodded in response. I smiled at him and walked on up to the stairs to the roof.

Magic in his lies ( Himko Yumeno x Kokichi ouma) (Monster AU)Where stories live. Discover now