
Începe de la început

I continued cuddling with the kitten, as two other cats approached me.

"I'm in heaven!", I cried.

"Can we go home now?"

Wow, these are literally the first words I heard from him all day.

"I wanna stay a little longer..."

"Your time's over soon anyways, so let's just go. Why do you wanna cuddle with those cats?"

I got angry.

"Excuse me for being happen once in my life. You can go ahead alone if you're in such a bad mood. But don't worry then if I'll come home late - I will be out having fun on my own."

With these words, I took the kitten and went back to the employee whom I've talked with before.

"Oh, hey! Still cuddling?"

"Yes! This baby is so adorable...!"

"Haha, the same could be said about you."

I blushed.

"O-Oh, thank you..."

"No problem, just stating the truth. Uh-oh-"

"What is it?"

I turned around, following his gaze and landed on Soraru.

He came storming in our direction, looking anything but pleased.

"Our time's over now, right? Thanks, have a nice day. My girlfriend and I are gonna take our leave. Goodbye."

He gripped me by the waist, not hurting me though, and ran off.

"I-I'm sorry, see you!!", I shouted back as we left.


"What was that for!? Have you lost your common sense?"

"I have not. But you obviously have."


"Yes! You have been paying attention to the cats and flirting with this guy non-stop!"

"Wait... Soraru, could it be, that... You're jelaous...?", I gasped dramatically.

"I-I am not!"

"Oh my god, you're jealous! This is hilarious! Ooohh, I'm so gonna text Mafu! Hahaha!"

I took out my phone to text him, but it got snatched away.


"If you do that I will never kiss you again. I'm serious, (Y/N)."

"Woah, chill. It's cute that you're jealous, I'm grateful."


"That you're jealous means you don't want me to talk with other guys and pay attention to you, right? That means I'm important to you. That makes me happy.", I smiled whole-heartly.

He slowly put down his arm with which he held my phone up and gave it back to me.

"I-I guess you're right..."

I went up to him and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"See? It's okay. And, Soraru-"

I leaned in again, this time giving him a real kiss, throwing my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

"- I love you. So you don't have to get so pissed, okay? I'd never flirt with another guy. I get jealous too, you know?"

"Huh? You? When?"

"When you talk to Kuro, for example... She's my best friend, and I know that you're very close friends too. But sometimes... I wish I was in her place, talking and laughing with you..."

I felt my good mood slowly fading, a trace of sadness being left behind.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have told you that. Just continue to-"

I was interrupted by suddenly being pulled into a hug.

"S-Soraru- Air- Breathing- I can't-"

He didn't let go.

"Soraru, I need oxygen!!"

He still didn't let go of me, so I had to push him away.


"Sorry... I didn't know you felt this way."

"Well, now you know. Let's just forget about jealousy for now and go home, I wanna cuddle."

"Didn't you just cuddle with the cats?"

"Yes, but I need you. A human being whom I can cuddle as strong as I want to without breaking him."

"That's the only reason?"

I sighed.

"No, of course not... I just told you, didn't I? I love you, Soraru. If you don't wanna cuddle with my I can go back to the guy from the cat café and-"

... Please."

I chuckled lightly.

"Don't worry, I would never. So, shall we?"


So we went home and enjoyed the rest of our date, the jealousy being forgotten.

What Soraru didn't know was that I still texted Mafu right after, his reaction hilarious.

'Wooooaahhhh, Soraru-san is jealous?? What did you do (Y/N)?? What poison did you give him to love you that much?? Oh, I didn't mean to offend you, it was a compliment!! You should have filmed him lmao"

I laughed quietly, looking at Soraru who has fallen asleep underneath me.

I put my phone away and lay my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

I stole this man's heart...

... And I'm never giving it away anymore.

I smiled to myself and fell asleep, dreaming of past events and the future that lies ahead of us.


This oneshot is a little shorter, pls forgive me will ya

I wrote all the past oneshots at like 3am, I'm surprised they didn't turn out like shit lmao

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