Chapter 6

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It was currently 9:30 and I was still laying in bed. I ran my finger over my bottom lip, then down my neck. I remembered the trail of kisses Jack left on my skin, his fingerprints forever imbedded on me.

I thought I should at least check on him to make sure he was okay, because he was acting weird, I mean obviously he was drunk, but there was something on his mind.

I slipped on my favorite red knit sweater and blue jeans. I ran a brush through my knotty hair and flipped it to the side.


The house on the outside was clean, but I knew the inside would be horrific.

I knocked on the door, but no one answered. I turned the knob, checking if it was unlocked. I pushed it open, trash was in every corner. I was literally playing hopscotch on the hardwood floor. The broken vase pieces still laid on the ground.

"Oh my God," I whipped my head around to see Gloria standing in the doorway.

"I don't get paid enough for this," she mumbled taking off her coat and hat.

"You need to leave," she said threatening and pointing a finger at me.

"No, no," I said holding my hands up, "I'm just here to check up on Jack."

"You better not be one of those putas," she eyed me as she reached into a small closet and pulled out a broom and muttered something in Spanish.

"Here, let me help," I said taking the broom from her and sweeping up the piles of trash.

We cleaned for two hours till it was spotless. "Want something to eat?"

I followed Gloria into the kitchen as she pulled out a carton of eggs and bacon, "Yes, please," I smiled.

Gloria has a really nice personality under that serious face. I cupped my mug with both hands, blowing on the hot mint tea that Gloria made me.

"Can I ask you a question?" I cautiously asked.

"Depends, what's the question?" She asked sitting a plate of food in front of me.

"Why does Jack act the way he does?" I took a forkful of scrambled eggs, waiting for some sort of verbal interaction from Gloria.

"Tara, he is just one troubled kid that needs a friend," Gloria bluntly said washing the dishes.


First chapter in Jack's P.O.V


Jack's P.O.V

"Shiiitt," I groaned lifting the covers. The brunette from yesterday laid sound asleep in front of me.

"Morning baby," a soft voice whispered. A perfect manicured hand ran itself over my chest. I turned over to see the blond girl I was sitting with yesterday too.

A threesome Jack? You have out done yourself. I smirked at the thought of it. Stop it Gilinsky, I said cursing myself.

I stood up from the bed, "Cute butt," the blond winked.

"Thanks," I groaned.

I hopped into the shower, the hot pellets rolling over my body.

"Can I join?"

"You can leave," I snapped.

Once I heard the door shut, I wrapped the green bathroom towel around my waist.

I brushed my teeth and let my hair fall into whatever position it wanted. By the time I was done lotioning my body, the girls were pretty much dressed and getting ready to leave. I slipped on some grey sweats and a Mami basketball t-shirt.

I jogged down the steps. Gloria must be here already, because the house was cleaned.

I heard laughter and giggling coming from the kitchen. "Morning Gloria," I said stepping in.

"Tara," I said shocked, but keeping my distant composure. Tara sat at the marble kitchen island with her legs crossed and she rolled her eyes.

"Well if it wasn't for your girlfriend, it would of taken me all day to clean this house, no thanks to you," Gloria said in her heavy accent.

"I'm not his girlfr-"

The blonde and brunette girls from last night came running into the kitchen, "Last night was amazing," blondie whispered. I saw Tara tense at the comment she made and sat her cup down eyeing the girl as she strutted away.

"Stay in touch," the brunette said slipping me a piece of paper. I watched them walk out the door giggling and waving goodbye to me.

"Like I said I'm not his girlfriend," Tara said agitated, walking out the room. Gloria shook her head at me. "What?" I asked her.

"Aren't you going to go after her?" She whispered shouted as if it was the most obvious thing, "And stop hanging out with those damn putas," she yelled shaking her head.

I walked in the direction of where I saw Tara go.

"Why are you getting mad?" I asked, sitting across from her.

"I'm not," she said rolling her brown eyes.

"Then why are you getting all tense and shit," I asked downing a glass of orange juice, "we're not even dating so get over it." Smooth, Gilinsky. Tara looked away, placing her hand on her arm, "I know," she mumbled.

"I'm going to see if Gloria needs help," she said stepping out and bumping into my shoulder.

"Tara, I didn't mean to be so mean," I yelled after her. Her hair moved through the air, revealing a reddish purple bruise on her neck. I grabbed her wrist pulling her back.

"Is that a hickey?" I yelled poking at it.

"Stop," Tara whined moving her hair to cover it, "Will you stop! You're the one who gave it to me."

"I know," I smiled smugly, "marking my territory."

"Stop it. Don't you ever stop trying to get into my pants?" By now my grasp on her wrist was loose and she slipped away.


"Really?" She asked raising an eyebrow, "You can't go one conversation without saying something perverted."

"Is that a bet I hear," I wasn't going to lie, but I admit it, I have a huge ego. And I wasn't going to let some girl question it either.

"Bet," she smiled confidently, extending her hand, "if you say one perverted thing or do anything perverted then you have to finish the project yourself and actually put 100% effort into it."

"By 3 o'clock," I added.

"Fine and if I win then you have to spend the night at my house," I smiled mischievously. Tara twisted her lips, questioning herself, "Fine," she said shaking my hand.

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