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    Nah nigga you need to step back , Rodney said pulling my strap out and aiming it at his head.

                  Aye lil bro chill I don't even know you , and you don't know me nigga so I think you should put that gun down . Shane said letting out a small laugh no caring that I had a gun to head head.

     Nah lil bro , fuck all that you talking about.. I don't   care how you are. Get off this property if you know what's best for you. Rodney said pushing the gun against his forehead again.

            I ain't never seen yo light bright ass before .. you her new dude ? Shane said looking at Crystal

I moved in front of him so he was looking at me and not her. Nah not that it's any of yo business busta but I'm her brother . You don't wanna meet her nigga . Trust me so don't come around here no more.

           All I felt in my back was crystal digging her nails into my back , she does that when she's nervous or scared , I've noticed. I heard her breathe pick up and I could tell she was uncomfortable. I had to get her inside the house quick.

                Just turn around and go back to where you came from dude and don't come back , cause I'm the reasonable one in this family . I said lowering my gun , and walking crystal into the house.

    Aye crystal .. I'll be back Baby . Shane said smiling

    You must got a death wish then bro . I said before closing the door and locking it

Crystal was having a episode , she's gasping for air like she couldn't catch her breathe .

Whoa whoa crystal here sit down . Rodney said guiding crystal to the couch .

I - I can't do this right now crystal said still trying to catch her breath.

I can't keep living my life in the past . Crystal said crying in her hands .

And you don't have to , he won't be back around here Crystal and if he do .. he got his warning there won't be a second one.. okay sis? Rodney said

Okay.. crystal said softly

I'm gonna go back to bed Rod . Love you crystal said walking to the stairs .

See ya in the morning I said back to her .

I leaned back on the couch .. closed my eyes and finally after this long ass day drifted into a deep ass sleep.

The next morning .. (the morning of the trip)
Crystals POV -
It was 6 o'clock in the morning , everybody was running around the house like chickens with their heads cut off . Rushing to pack , I told everybody's asses to pack the night before but who listens to Crystal.. nobody that's who . Our flight leaves at 8 and the airport is like a hour away, so hopefully I think I'm just gonna pray that we make this damn flight on time . Mya and Rodney were in the bathroom arguing they've been arguing all day.. I don't know what's going on with them but honestly ima let them figure that out . Will and India probably somewhere making out . Lucas is putting all the bags at the front door. I grabbed my one suit case and my Louie Vuitton bag on back and walked out the door . Put rolled my suit case to the end of the drive way inside of the Mercedes. I kept the trunk open because everybody else had to stuff there stuff in there .

"Crystal ?" I heard somebody call my name from a car pulling up besides mine .

I turned my head and it was nothing but Shane .

Falling for Lucas Coly Part :1 Where stories live. Discover now