chapter thirteen

Depuis le début

Tay told Keleii. She laughed small and then smiled at him.

" Ok "

Keleii said with a nod. Tay put his hand against the window. She followed suit and they stared at each other.

" I love you "

Tay told her. He meant every word. He felt like there's nobody else for him but her. And he knew it was vice visa.

" I love you too "

Keleii replied. Even though she's still technically with Aaron, there's noone on this earth that can replace Tay. Because in her heart he was everything and she knew felt like that about her too.

They moved their hand the Keleii looked behind her.

" There's somebody else who wanna see you "

Keleii told Tay. He looked and saw Santana. She got up so he could sit down.

" orange is NOT your color "

Santana said with a laugh. Tay sucked his teeth.

" Man whatever, how's everything "

Tay asked him. Santana looked around before saying,

" Cool but this Phil dude starting to get outta hand "

Santana said. He been of told Tay about Phil and him having the law on his side. And how Justin their tech guy found out that Phil got this lawyer who probably had something to do with Tay being locked up.

" Ill take care of it when i get out "

Tay told him. He felt his blood boil more and more. He just wanna end this dude once and for all.

" Look im not gonna say too much but i got that under control bro "

Santana told him. He already met up with his cousin who's a lawyer and got her to be on the case. They thought that they didnt need one because they'll never get caught up but thats exactly what happened.

" I knew you'd come through for me "

Tay said.

" No doubt, we're brothers. Im gonna alwaysvbe there "

Santana replied. Tay nodded feeling appreciative of his best friend. They've been boys since their youngin days and they never switched up on each other. They were boys for life.

The same officer came back through the door and yelled out,


Tay turned back to Santana.

" Let me talk to Keleii real quick "

Santana nodded and got up. Few seconds later Keleii sat back down. She quickly picked up the phone and placed it to her ear.

" Yeah ? "

She asked lowly.

" Tell Kenzo i said i love him. With all my heart and that ill see him soon "

Tay said. Keleii nodded with a smile.

" Of course "

She said back to him. Tay nodded his head.

" Aight i gotta go "

Tay said after he looked back at the cop.

" Ok I love you "

" I love you too "

Tay said before he put the phone back onto the hook and got up. Keleii and Santana watched as the cop escorted Tay back inside the door.

Then they walked out together.


Fast forward

Keleii was sitting at the house watching Kenzo play with his toys.

She had called Aaron to come over so they can talk. She didnt know how he was gonna take it but hopefully they can be friends afterwards.

There was a knock at the door and she got up and went to open the door.

" Hey "

Aaron said as he walked inside.

" Hi "

Keleii replied as she shut the door. They both went to sit down on the couch.

" You said you wanna talk ? ", Aaron asked confused.

" Yeah um... i think we should be friends "

Aaron looked at Keleii confused.

" Why is that ? "

" I just feel like we're moving too fast- "

" Keleii just be honest.. is this about your baby father ? ", Aaron asked her.

Keleii glanced at Aaron before saying,

" Im still not over him... we're going to try to make it work. I just didnt want to string you along "

" Well you kinda did but i understand ", Aaron said.

" Sorry Aaron.. can we still be friends ? ", Keleii asked.

Aaron glanced at her before looking straight ahead. As hard as it is for hin to hear what was said by Keleii, he wanted nothing more then for her to be happy. Even if it isnt with him. He care about her alot and respects her decision.

" Yeah we'll always be friends its cool ", he told her.

Keleii hugged Aaron catching him off guard. He hugged her back. Then they let go.

" Thanks Aaron "

" No need to thank me "

Aaron said with a reassuring smile. Keleii returned it before getting up.

" You wanna eat dinner with us ? ", Keleii asked him.

" Hell yea, you know i love food girl ", Aaron said causing her to laugh.

He picked up Kenzo and followed Keleii into the kitchen.


143 : Until the end of time ( Tay K story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant