Bad Terms

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We've been arguing since I've been home. One night I while was looking for a job. She says I need to talk to you.

Kim: I need to tell you something before it get out

Kia: okay??

Kim: how old is Mia?

Kia: She's 15

Kim: I dated you're cousin Mia for about month, we didn't have sex or anything but she lied to me about her age I thought she was 18. She lied I swear I wouldn't have messed with her if I had known

Kia: I shake my head asked why she never told me before??

Kim: because I didn't know what was going on I was drunk too.

Kia: I say okay

Kim: Also tells me that she lose her licenses because her brothers car was in her name and he kepted getting tickets. (Which is a lie)

Kim: I also got raped 2 nights before you came by a man.

Kia: I started crying because I have a pass history of this

Kim: I stayed at a friends house and her brother raped her (As she goes into details something didn't feel right. I just comfort her. )

A week later!

We've still been arguing more, I just clean the house and her child is getting worse. Girls at her job are flirting with her. I'm still looking for a job. Her cousin Mika comes over

Mika: Kia have you found a job yet

Kia: I'm looking for one

Mika: you can work at Kroger

I get up and walk into the room and text my mom to come get me. My mom gets outside
I tell Kim I'm going with my mom. She caught and attitude but idc.
I give my mom a big hug and vent to her about Kim.
She says whenever you want you can come home.
I get back to Kim's house at 8 p.m. She's sitting in the living mad and drinking.

Kim: where the fuck have you been?

Kia: My mom's house

Kim: you been fucking, you haven't been to your mom's house. You're a fucking whore. We start arguing. I ignore her. She grabbed me and chokes me hard and said you're pregnant with my baby. You're not going anywhere, bitch.

I cry and tell her I'm not pregnant. She walks out of the house And drives off. I keep calling her no answer. She comes in the house high and drunk at 5 am. I didnt say anything. I just go to sleep. I wake up and tell her I'm going to stay at my mom's house for a bit. She crying and begging me no, I go anyways.

While at my mom's house I got a job interview. And went and go the job at a hospital. She calls me daily and we talk she seems better now.
Kim: my friend and her baby came over last night.

I'm was just so fed up with her.

2 days later and I'm back at her house. She comes in late

Kim: oh I've just been smoking with an old friend (the old friend is the dude she said raped her)🤦🏾‍♀️

She was reading my paperwork from when I got the job and gets mad that I'm making more than her.
The next week later I go to get my background screen. I come back to the house her baby is crying because she wants my make up I tell her no. She climbs the towel rack and breaks it. I call Kim at work.

Kim: what??

Kia: your daughter broke the towel rack

Kim: why the fuck can't you handle a 2 year ago. You're fucking dumb. You're stupid ass bitch. When I come home I want you out of my house.

I pack my stuff and while her baby cries that I'm packing. I let her keep the things I brought into the house When she comes in. I took out the last of my bags in my Mom's car. And she texts me telling how she cheated on me.  I'm fat and more verbal abuse and how she's going to shoot up my mom's house if I don't come back.

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