All things finished

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As the months go by I see on the news her family dying one by one. I smiled after seeing she died in jail. The gasoline man that was in Kia's home had been proven to be Sydney's brother. I upheld my agreements and got Wayne's people out of jail. Kia had our baby boy 3months ago. Now we our at our wedding.

Marriage officiant. Xon do you take Kia as your wife?

Me. I do, into the end of times

Marriage officiant. Do you Kia take Xon to be your wife?

Kia. I do, always and forever.(holding our sleeping baby)

We Kiss and everybody cheers.
I'm here with my wife and our close's friends and family at our reception. My mom came with my dad. My mom walk to me with someone, while everybody was dancing.

Mom. Are you sure you want to continue this hate you have for me and our family?

Me. I don't hate anyone, I just wish dad leave your ass at home.

Mom. You do not get to speak to me that way.

Me. I don't care about, how you feel. I found love, get with it or get lost. But know anything you do will effect you seeing, your grandchild or children in the future

Mom. He isn't my grand child, the kids you will have with Nyah will be my grandkids.

Me. (I pinched my nose, in anger) and why would I leave Kia?

Nyah. Because look at me (spinning around for me to see), I'm better in every way, shape ,and form.

Mom. See, you will be missing out.

Me. I will never miss out because all I have with Kia is all I need, bitter bitches ( raising my hand to get the bouncer attention)

Mom. You will  never get rid of me, I'm with your father.

My dad pops out of no where

Dad. I want a divorce, you aren't to girl I married. You are this cold and calculate bitch, I don't love you anymore. Just know I will give you, your 20% of the business monthly. Even though I don't have to (the bouncers come)

Me. Can you take them away? They are banded from my businesses and homes as well. ( I waved bye to them) (i look at Kia dancing with her mom and smile.)

My dad gave me a hug and said congratulations, and found someone to talk to. Wayne walks to me.

Wayne. Y'all are beautiful couple, I love her for you. Your moms is bat shit

Me. I know right but Thank you, she made a better person out of me. Who said you can't find love in the club

We both laughed. Kia walked up with our baby.

Kia. What are y'all laughing at? Kind people

Me. I was saying... (Wayne slapped my arm)

Me. How much I love you baby and my other baby (kissing her forehead)

Kia. we love your crusty ass too. (Kissing me and walking away)

Me. (Me and Wayne laugh so hard) Yeah she is a keeper

Wayne. Yeah you better do right, She gone fuck you up. You remember she's a nurse.

Me. Nahh imma treat my babies good.

As we are about to go on our honeymoon for a week. We get on our private plane, with Kia's mom so she can watch the baby. We are going to Jamaica.

5 years later
Xon. Alright little monsters, we have to get to school babies.

All four kids say, okay mama.

Kia. Not before you say bye to mommy.

We rush her with kisses and hugs. I love my family, I found the perfect love and family. Our story will never end.

Thank you for reading this story
I just want to thank you for sticking with me, with this story. I appreciate it. So much. I have a couple of other stories coming out too. 👋🏾 into next time🔒 Peace Love and Happiness

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