My Birthday Party

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Everybody in my family is here and giving me money, eating, drinking and dancing. My bestfrannd is here.(Bestfrannd is a gay male known him for years)

While we're dancing my phone rings.

Kimbelle: I'm outside

I go outside with my bestfrannd and we get Kim and bring her in. I tell everybody that this is my gf, they say hey. She brought her own drink. My sister starts to ask her questions. And she get uncomfortable with all the people that are there so we go outside.

Kia: why do we have to be outside (drunk speaking)

Kim: you're drunk. This is unattractive

Kia: Come back inside

Kim: No, you go

Kia: okay

I go back into the party and dance with my bestfrannd. My Cousin Mia came to me.

Mia: Is you're gf here

Kia: Yeah outside

Mia: I wanna meet her

Kia: okay

We go outside Kimbella is just sitting in her car

Kia: this is my gf Kimbella this is my cousin Mia

Kim: Started smiling and said Wusup

Mia: Why are you outside

Kia thinking: This is really weird it's like they know each other but Mia is 15 so how

Kim: I'm grown girl

Mia walked off, I go back into the party and Kimbella  texts me and said she's leaving

I go outside and here car there but she's not in it.
I walk around the party and I went to my room and Kimbella was in my bed. Everybody in my party was already drunk so I took a shower and got into the bed with her while the party was still going on. We cuddle and fall asleep. When I wake up Kimbella has on her work clothes. I get up and walk her to the door. She kisses me and drives off.

I went back to Nashville later that day.

Something is WrongDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora