The Start

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Draco's P.O.V

"It can't be Harry Potter," Gilderoy Lockhart said as if it wasn't the most obvious thing. In frustration, however, I rolled my eyes.

"Just let the stupid ones get all the attentions, while the smart ones work behind the scene." I sighed to myself. Turning around I could see my parents fighting over which book they should buy for me, even though the list of book is right there in my mother's hand.

I looked down and saw a brunette figure. her hair was tied in a braid. Immediately, I recognize her as Clarissa. The most attractive girl there is to be.

"Nice big smile, Harry." I heard Gilderoy Lockhart said, pulling me away from my daydream. Rolling my eyes once more, I let out a sigh and began to walk down the stairs. Following my parents, of course. 

When I reached the bottom, I realized that the whole chaotic 'oh god it's Harry Potter' thing had ended. (thank god honestly).

Putting on my possible best sneer, I walked towards Potter.

"Bet you loved that, didn't you, Potter. Famous Harry Potter, can't even go into a bookshop without making the front page." I half laughed, hysterically though.

"Leave him alone." a pathetically whiny voice tried to threaten me, but only making me laugh harder, "He didn't want all that."

"Potter, you've got yourself a girlfriend."

The pathetic Weasley went scarlet as Ron, Hermione and Clarissa approached.

"What's going on?" Clarissa asked in confusion.

"Oh wait, it's Malfoy. Bet you're surprised to see Harry here, eh?" Ron retorted pathetically.

"Not as surprised as I am to see you in a shop, Weasley. I suppose your parents went hungry for a month to pay for that lot." I said, indicating the books in Ron's hand.

As if on cue, the Weasley dropped all his book in his pathetic little sister's cauldron and started walking towards me.

"Ron!" something shouted and stopped Ron in his movement, "What are you doing? It's mad in here, let's go outside."

"Well, well, well – Arthur Weasley." A hand rested on my shoulder as they sneered those words.

"Lucius." Mr Weasley nodded gravely. Not so friendly.

"Busy time at the Ministry, I hear. All those raids ... I hope they're paying you overtime." My father sneered as he pulled out an old copy of Gilderoy Lockhart's book, all battered and broken, "Obviously not. Dear me, what's use of being a disgrace to the name of the wizards when they don't even pay you well for it."

I saw my father's eye wonder around and then it stopped on Clarissa.

"Oh, Ms Halo. How's your mother doing?" He asked, mockingly.

"Better than when you left her." She said monotonously.

Wait, was my father her father? No, it can't be.

"Ah, yes. She did ran off with that muggle boy after graduating Hogwarts." He said, shuddering slightly.

"Yes, and I'm glad she did. Imagine if she was to be around you." Clarissa scoffed, "That would've made me look like some spoiled baboon. Oh and how's your wife going? Still in your basement I reckon. Probably because she didn't keep your tea hot enough."

Some reason, I didn't feel affected by her insult. Because deep down I know it was true. My father was a pretty cruel man. Everyone knows.

"You shouldn't talk about things you don't understand."

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