Potion Making

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[not edited]

Draco's P.O.V

"What time is it?"

"Um..." Pansy hummed for a moment, "nearly eleven in the evening, why?"

"Nothing," I said standing up, "Just showering. Besides, I'm so tired, i can barely function."

They all looked at me as if I've grown another pair of eyes, "What?"

The four of them glanced at each other nervously, making me rather impatient. I pestered them until they gave in and told me that they heard me muttering in my sleep yesterday.

"So what? People mutter in their sleep all the time." I said, shrugging it off like it was nothing. But the truth is, I don't want them to think I'm weak. Who knows, they might look at me differently because I had nightmares. I know everyone has nightmares, but there's just this stirring feeling inside of me that makes me feel like showing weakness would make me seem weak in front of them.

"Yeah, but nobody was stirring uncontrollably and repeating, 'no, no, no,' repeatedly." Zabini said scratching the back of his neck, "And we were wondering, if there was anything that you wanted to talk to us about."

He looked up at me, his hand still slung on the back of his neck. He bites his lips nervously, hoping that one of the other three would help him out right now. Well, obviously Crabbe and Goyle would not be much help here. No offence. but their brain works slower than Longbottom's. It's that slow.

"Well, I wasn't there, so count me out. This is still news to me." Pansy raised both her hands in the air.

Zabini turned to Pansy with wide eyes, he mouthed something, but I'm not sure what. Pansy shrugged.

"What?" I said, annoyed, "You know, I'm still here."

"Yeah, well, we heard you mutter in your sleep, and that wasn't the first time either. We were just wondering if you wanted to talk about it."

I looked at my four friends, they mean more than everything to me.

"Look, just drop it alright? We all have nightmares."

"But –"

"I said, just drop it. It's nothing."

I started walking away when Pansy stood up and roared loudly, "Why are you so afraid to talk about it around us?"

Thankfully, the common room was completely empty apart from us and a few first years. I glared at them and they turned straight back to their homework. I frantically walked closer to Pansy until our faces were only inches apart. I felt the anger and the heat boiling up inside of me.

"I said, drop it."

With that, I stormed straight out of the common room and towards the bathroom.

I couldn't help but think how angry Pansy would be. She's always fuming about pointless stuff like these. I can picture Crabbe and Goyle exchanging glances and awkwardly walking out of the circle. But Zabini would stay behind and watch as Pansy circle the room, angrily, giving the first years deadly glares once every while.

I couldn't help but chuckle. I don't exactly know why I'm chuckling, but I am. The anger that was once fuming inside of me has died down. Now there's nothing but regret. But not those regrets that make you cry and stuff, it's those weird occasion where you look back to the past and you just find it so funny.

I just then realised how foolish I was to just get all crazy angry over a single nightmare. And how Zabini got all nervous to talk to me about my nightmares. It's ridiculous, really. I can't help but chuckle a little bit.

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