Crushes and Secrets

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Draco's P.O.V

"Tell me, Crabbe, do you think Herbology is overrated?" I looked over at Crabbe who was also holding on to his pot of plant to keep the Turbido Tree.

"Well, I doubt many people would want to spend every second of their waking moment holding down a certain – god, stop jumping already! – plant just because that's their job. Nobody really wants an ugly looking plant to scream on the top of it's lungs whenever you pick it up."

I nod, he's got a point. So I rest my case, Herbology is a waste of time.

"I don't get why we even have to study Herbology. It'll barely help us, ever."

*          *          *

"Thank god it's lunch now. Imagine if I spent another hour moping around in that Herbology classroom, I'd jump off the building." I said, setting my books on to the table, "And maybe twice to make sure i'm really dead."

"Stop whining, at least we're not in Herbology with Granger." Pansy cleared her throat, "'Oh, Professor, oh. I know the answer. Please, pay more attention to me. I know everything. I'm a kiss up and I want desperate attention. Mwuah, mwuah, mwuah."

Just as Pansy finished up her brilliant and accurate impression, they walked by. Ron and Harry was glaring at us, but only makes the tip of my lip twitch into a smirk. Hermione, however seemed like she couldn't care less, she rolled her eyes and continued reading whatever it was that was on her hand. Presumably a book.

But Clarissa, she stared right into my eyes as if through me. She looked away quickly and shook her head, then sat down next to Hermione.

"What's wrong with her?" Zabini said looking over from his shoulder, "At first I thought she was sort of attractive, now I just think she's kind of weird."

"And why's that?" I said between my clenched jaw.

"I don't know, did you see her just then. She like looked past everyone of us as if we were completely invisible or something. Like, can she see the spirits or something? Hear voices? Weird."

"Everyone can see spirits, Zabini, they're called ghosts." Pansy rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, well she sees stuff like... weird stuff. Sort of like Lovegood there." he pointed towards a girl with messy blonde hair and a big weird orange hat implanted on her head, "I mean, what's wrong with the hat? Someone's going to murder her if she doesn't wear that?"

And for a moment, I let it slide. I mean, Clarissa isn't even really my friend. She's barely an acquaintance to me. Why should I get so heated when people make fun of her. I bet her group makes fun of me all the time and she doesn't even care.

"Yeah, I guess I see what you're going at." I said to Zabini, "She does look ridiculous."

Everybody turned to look at me.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Did you just make fun of Halo?"

"Uh, I'm pretty sure that's not what I did. All I did was agree with Zabini on something." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You guys all heard what he said, right? He made fun of Clarissa!"

"Well, so what if I did. You guys make fun of her all the time, I don't see why I can't."

Everybody exchanged glances, except for me.

"Do you think we're stupid?" Pansy asked, giving a little laughter.

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