Friends, Angers and Fear of Spiders

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 Draco's P.O.V

It was late when I got back to the Slytherin Common Room. But, it doesn't stop me from bumping into them.

"Hey, Draco!" Crabbe called.

"Yeah, we were sort of worried actually. You didn't speak to any of us during Potions." said Zabini.

"As if wasn't obvious why." I muttered sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Well, we didn't think you'd take it so seriously." Pansy sighed, folding her hands together.

"Yeah, we thought you knew that we were just joking." Goyle nodded.

"To be honest, I sort of like Clarissa. She's probably the most chilled out of the group."

"Well, good night."

There was a moment of silence before they said good night. They were probably just taken aback by how I didn't stay back longer to gossip with them or something. But honestly, I was just tired. I must've walked around campus at least twice today. Just trying to think back to the times where I was talking to Clarissa around them, or when they were talking about Clarissa around me.

It was gone from my mind for a couple hours before they started bringing up the topic again. Was it that obvious that I had a thing about her? Probably was.

I rubbed my eyes in frustration and tiredness. Quickly changing into my pajamas and going under the cover.

*          *          *

"You don't mind if I sit here?" Crabbe asked before taking a seat.

I grunted.

Then, as if on cue, the others came around and surrounded us as they sat. Zabini on my left, Crabbe on my right, Goyle in front of Crabbe, and Pansy in front of Zabini. There was an awkward silence  before anyone of us started to speak again.

"You know, you've got to talk to us at some point." Pansy pointed out, "You can't be mad forever, after all, we're friends."

"Mmhm." I said, staring at my breakfast as if it was the most important thing in the world.

"Did you even hear what I said?"

"Yeah, but the only question I have is, were you guys practicing this conversation outside of the Great Hall? Because it seemed as though this whole things was planned."

This remark had them all staring at each other uneasily. So the answer is yes.

'Yeah, I guess we have." Goyle spoke, "Only three times though."

"Great." I muttered, nodding.

"So, are you even going to speak to us?"

"If you don't call this 'speaking', I don't know what is."

"You know what we mean." Pansy said, annoyed.

"Yeah, I guess I'll have to." I shrugged. "You guys have to help with me with History of Magic essay anyways."

I hear the four of them groan and a smile started to creep its way to the surface of my face. I guess they aren't so bad after all. Not soon later, we were sharing breakfast with each other like we always do, and mixing the left overs to make Goyle eat it. (honestly, he eats everything.)

*          *          *

Clarissa's P.O.V

"I always knew Salazar Slytherin was a twisted old loony. But I never knew he started all this pure-blood stuff. I wouldn't be in his house if you paid me. Honestly, if the Sorting Hat tried to put me in Slytherin, I'd've got the train straight back home ..." Ron told us as we tried squeezing through the massive amount of student.

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