∅|Corrupted Amya|∅

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(Corrupted Amya is MY OC)

Amya dabbles in witchcraft. She's really good at rituals,identifying herds,oils,incense and auras. She's been doing it ever since she nine. Of course,Simon knew and didn't mind it,as long as she was happy. Her racks are filled with candles,witchy books,incense,plants,herbs,crystals,tarot cards and BOS's. Her room always smells like rosemary,vanilla and lavender with a hint of sage.

Amya recieved a demon cat from Jake. She named him Salem. He has black fur,four red eyes and a white pentacle on his forehead that glows red in the dark or when Amya performs a spell or ritual. He can talk aswell and has taken the position of her familiar.

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