Three's a Crowd

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AN:- 😏😏 I am enjoying this verrrryyyy muucchhh! 🙈🤭

What are your thoughts on what's going on with the story right now and as always please do tell me any feedback you may have so that I can improve!

Enjoy 😊

Looking up at the face of the man who was entering, I had ample time to see the barely hidden distaste all over it before a mask of indifference took over and cultivated his entire stance into a new one. Frowning at his abruptly bizarre change in attitude I didn't realise how close he had managed to get in such a short while, my eyes widening a smidgen as I looked up blinking like a deer caught in headlights and saw his face at an angle nearby my own.

Extremely nearby mine...

Whatever the reason for this new flicker may be, I found myself in a drunken trance, the desire to flinch back and put space in between others and myself as I would have usually done so by now, nowhere in my mind whatsoever.

How odd...

"Ah, Mr Kim." Dr Lee greeted, hands still gently placed atop of mine.

"Dr Lee." He was curt and brisk as he replied, mocha orbs flashing dangerously as he gave the man a look of distasteful indifference with just the ferocity of his gaze alone.

But why...?

Why did he look so damn pissed off?!

There wasn't anything here for him to be so aggravated about. Understanding his actions and harsh words was proving to be problematic for my analytic mind, my brain coming up totally blank for why he was acting in such a manner. Understandably it could also be due to the fact that I barely knew the man and in that sense was in no position to be passing judgments on why he acted the way he did. He was free to splay his stance out in whatever manner and tone he deemed fit; human rights and all coming in my mind at the sheer simplicity of the conclusion I had drawn at the uncomplicated matter I was confusing myself unnecessarily with.

"This is Dr Ta-"

"I know who she is." His tone was icy, matching his cold stare as his eyes flickered over to me, giving me an offhandedly apathetic glance.

I felt myself shiver a little as his surprisingly harsh looking eyes settled for a brief second on me. The warm irises that seemed to be molten in the hallway earlier were now solidified bricks of quartz, sparking dangerously with a hint of flickering emotion at the catastrophic collision of our gazes.

"You do?" Dr Lee blinked, a little confounded at the admittance he revived.

Mr Kim's eyes never left mine as he manifested his expression to be looking at me with a knowing smirk. He nodded slowly in answer to the awaiting doctor, white flashes of a smirk peeking through on his lips.

"I do indeed."

"Oh, have you met each other before?" Dr Lee quizzed, a curious shadow on his face.

Mr Kim chuckled gravelly, the sounds of his laugh erupting goosebumps on the flesh of my arms at the husky vibrations that traveled in the air with his voice.

"Dr TaeHee left a rather everlasting first impression on me. My first meeting with her was rather impactful." He rubbed his chest as he spoke.

"Everlasting, huh?" Dr Lee grinned down at me, his hands gently squeezing mine. "She is an extremely remarkable woman."

"No need to be unnecessarily flattering me Dr Lee." I retracted my hands sharply away from his hold, startling him a small fraction as his eyes glazed for a momentary second.

Dr Lee smiled wide after bracing himself his hands shifting to rest inside of his pockets. "You know I'm a man of truth."

I gave him a slight look. "I don't doubt that."

"So then?"

I crossed my arms over my chest in an attempt to busy my jittery limbs, the sheets of paper still in my hold. "We should maintain professionalism in the workplace for a better operating atmosphere."

He chuckled, leaning over to sweetly pat my head. "The truth is liberating TaeHee and you should embrace it when it's given to you."

My brow raised at his act of affection. "What do you mean to imply?"

He gave me a rugged grin. "You're a smart woman."

"So then?" I mimicked his earlier phrase, making him chuckle delightedly, his warm orbs practically melting before me.

"So I'm sure you'll figure out what it was that I meant to say."

I resisted the urge to scoff in my senior's face at his crypticness. "Of course."

I agreed half-heartedly, the topic tugging at me in uncomfortable ways. I looked down at the ombre marble of the floor, Dr Lee's words running laps in my mind as I worked to suss out what he meant. Sighing my gaze lifted upwards catching the eye of our silent onlooker who had an expression of monotonous ire plastered across his face, the only telltale irritation of the drama unfolding before him being in his flaming enraged eyes.

How did I even know that he was mad beyond reason just by taking a look into his eyes?

And better yet, why did I even care so much?!?

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