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AN:- Hello everyone, Hana here. 😁 I wanted to take a few minutes out to talk to you all about this particular fanfiction of mine before I begin to allow everyone to read it.

First and foremost, I've been thinking about this story for quite some time now and it's most likely the one closest to my heart for multiple reasons. This book provided me with an outlet for me to release all my frustrations and pain and it's within it that I explore and go to heights that I've never ever broached before in any of my previous stories.

This book in a sense is my saving grace and had I not had this to fall onto when things were tough and grueling I don't think I would have made it out to be the person that I am today. I go into extremely dark topics in this story and it's not to hurt or offend anyone but just to show the internal struggle that I feel we all have but are often too afraid to speak out about.

I ask that you read this with the thought in mind that it may be triggering for some and just to remember that if you ever feel like you're alone and have no one by you that you can talk or rant out to, then that's not true at all as there will always be someone out there who loves and wants you and will always be willing to listen and be there for you in any way possible.

I apologise for going off on an emotional tangent but I just think that it's so important to remember that we are all so precious and special in our own, individual ways and we should always hold on firm to that.

This fanfiction that I am about to share with you all is very close to my heart and if because of my work you ever feel any form of hurt or discomfort then please do approach me about it, so that I may help you. If you ever have any questions or worries then please, please I implore that you share them with me so that I can do my best to placate them.

Also, this was meant to be a short little note at the beginning of chapter one, but it got lengthier as I progressed so I just shifted it onto a whole new part. 😅😅 For that I'm sorry but I feel that what I had to say was vital and needed for this story's plotline hence the loooong ass authors note. ANYWAYS! Now without further ado, please do enjoy the fanfiction!  😄

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