I was curious to how the... alien would react to me, how it looked like or if it could talk in some other language we- sorry, I don't know. Maybe it was one of those characters that inspired Star Wars but, the fear came as hard as getting smacked in the face with a cold block of ice. The feeling and anxiety to which how I would react to the alien once it sees me and what it would do upon conta-... huh I could've sworn it was right in front of my face when It first appeared... where did it... go...

My breathing suddenly started getting constricted as my pulse skyrocketed as I took in the view of a... giantess in front of me and for the first time in 5 years, I felt a slight fear of death. She looked mostly humanoid, by which I mean about her appearance in general; her size was no exception. She was wearing a spacesuit, if it wasn't obvious enough. She extended out her arms towards me in a snail-like pace, slowly lifting me out of... space? She curled her fingers over me as I started to think about the future for once, what could it hold? 

Turns out? A surprise. Everything inside the spaceship was actually much more similar to S.S.Flair than I initially thought it would-if you left out the size difference. I had already taken off my suit while the giantess had some difficulty unbuckling some straps. I was a good human 100 meters away from her, still scared of the possibilities and outcomes of my current situation. Another thing I noticed; I was on the ground, which meant that this ship had one of those man-made gravitational panes from those Sci-Fi movies. Just how far ahead are their species ahead of us humans? I guess I could ask he-"Hello? Do... you understand English?"

I was taken aback, seriously! I never would've thought of meeting another living being that could've spoke English! So in response I shock my head as slightly as possible while I stared into her eyes... they're blue. She looked shocked too, if you called widening your eyes in surprise was a thing. "W-wait... you can understand me?" I nodded again, this time with a little more enthusiasm. What could she possibly be so surprised ab-Woah!

"Oh it's been too long..." I blushed... obviously?! I am being hugged by a freaking giantess I just met a few.. minutes ago! I instinctively tried to pull away, but she held me in tighter; making me blush even more. She...was warm though, I like the warmth... what am I thinking?! "Uhm... I guess you're welcome? Would... you mind if you pulled me out of this... gesture?" She did so, very,very slowly. She looked at me with assurance in her eyes, as well as a slight hue of that 'thank god I'm not alone' look I knew too well. I shuffled around awkwardly on her hands. The questions are starting to pile up onto a mountain... I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask? Well... here goes. "What is this place?"

She did not respond with words, instead, she compensated with a tour of her... spaceship. Everything was definitely similar to mine, I mean, she even has the same control panels I had. I wondered, how was this possible? This couldn't be a coincidence. But something I wondered about was how she got so gentle with how she handled me. I couldn't help it, I have to calculate everything that was humanly possible in my world and compared it to mine. I couldn't even hold a gerbil  without it puking onto my hand (long story, don't ask). Had she done this before? She did say 'It's been too long' as in she hasn't held a human for too long or was she like me? A lonely person in space, waiting for a future to be shown. 

 "I hoped that answered your question." I nodded again to respond and for some weird and totally unperverted reason. I felt... attracted to her. "Are you by any chance a human?" Her eyes literally gleamed in hope, so I'll take it as a yes. Okay... what to ask ne-"Does your name, by any chance, start with Fal?"

I twisted my head as I looked right into her eyes. "What if I said yes?" At this point her eyes started to shine with happiness, it was too bright for me to take in. What was this all about?? "Okay... this might sound a bit crazy but, I'm you."

"You're me?" She nods her head. "How... exactly are we alike in any way?" She takes in a deep breath and opens her mouth to speak. "I'm you from another dimension." "This... doesn't make sense." She sighs knowingly.

"We both know why we are out here in space, Earth was hit by a solar flare, remember?" Okay... "We were on the way to Mars but failed to actually reach it but I somehow managed to rewire and enable inter-dimensional travel. From that point on, I've been trying to find an alternate universe where Earth hasn't been consumed in fiery flames and trust me when I say this, It's been roughly 50 years since I met a human."

"You're... kidding. Right?" She shook her head vigorously. "This is the first time I met another Fal in a spaceship that was alive; the rest died one way or another. But I'm so glad I met you... it's been too lonely out here in space." She gives me the 'I want to cuddle up with you' look, the look my girlfriend did.. this hurts.

Before I knew it, my waterworks had finally found a reason to let loose and rethink. It's been 5 years too, since their deaths. My parents, my girlfriend and the entire world I knew. It's been terrifyingly lonely, knowing that you are the last remaining evidence to prove the existence of millions of years of history. As if she knew what I was thinking, a gigantic thumb came and wiped away some loose tears. "Now now... it's alright... everything's alright." Her voice was soothing and smooth but, it was all glamour to conceal her true emotions, her thoughts and her past life. She held me in close as she continued to comfort and assure me, I like her warmth... it's been too cold out here in space. I leaned into the warmth and listened to the song of the heart. An essential yet complicated composition, just like life.

She pulled me out of the hug as her eyes start to dim and waver. "It's quite late now. You should get some rest." Late? "But I still have so many questions to ask. Like how you never aged or why you would... fawn over me." I whispered out the last part, blushing as I did. She giggled in response as she started to walk, holding her other hand to cup her hands over me protectively. "You can ask all the questions you want tomorrow when I wake up. All you need now is to sleep." She started to caress my body, lulling me to sleep. Her warm smile was all it took. "Goodnight. Me."

SIKE! Yeah sure, I might've said that I was gonna take a long time to update but hey. I needed to update and kill some time! I had a lot of ideas waiting to be translated into words in my brain right now. The braces still hurt though, but I can and will try my absolute best to set a weekly schedule. Until then, stay fluffy!

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